# These WANTS loaded directly by the OLWLG # Fri Apr 26 22:06:13 2024 #+ Geeklist: Math Trade NNE Abril 2024 BR #+ ... https://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/333524 #+ Owner: Lohmotta #+ Item count: 336 #+ Users with items: 53 #! ALLOW-DUMMIES #! REQUIRE-COLONS #! REQUIRE-USERNAMES #! HIDE-NONTRADES #! SHOW-ELAPSED-TIME #! SEED=123456 #! METRIC=Users-Trading # MISSING 2 WANTS (0.5%) FROM 2 USER(s) (3.7%): # gugagurgel (1) # leodeschain092 (1) !BEGIN-OFFICIAL-NAMES 10597199 ==> 1. "Alt Name: REGRAS DA MATH TRADE" (from Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY1 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 1 of 42] 10597201-COPY2 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 2 of 42] 10597201-COPY3 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 3 of 42] 10597201-COPY4 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 4 of 42] 10597201-COPY5 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 5 of 42] 10597201-COPY6 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 6 of 42] 10597201-COPY7 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 7 of 42] 10597201-COPY8 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 8 of 42] 10597201-COPY9 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 9 of 42] 10597201-COPY10 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 10 of 42] 10597201-COPY11 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 11 of 42] 10597201-COPY12 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 12 of 42] 10597201-COPY13 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 13 of 42] 10597201-COPY14 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 14 of 42] 10597201-COPY15 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 15 of 42] 10597201-COPY16 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 16 of 42] 10597201-COPY17 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 17 of 42] 10597201-COPY18 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 18 of 42] 10597201-COPY19 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 19 of 42] 10597201-COPY20 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 20 of 42] 10597201-COPY21 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 21 of 42] 10597201-COPY22 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 22 of 42] 10597201-COPY23 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 23 of 42] 10597201-COPY24 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 24 of 42] 10597201-COPY25 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 25 of 42] 10597201-COPY26 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 26 of 42] 10597201-COPY27 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 27 of 42] 10597201-COPY28 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 28 of 42] 10597201-COPY29 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 29 of 42] 10597201-COPY30 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 30 of 42] 10597201-COPY31 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 31 of 42] 10597201-COPY32 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 32 of 42] 10597201-COPY33 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 33 of 42] 10597201-COPY34 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 34 of 42] 10597201-COPY35 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 35 of 42] 10597201-COPY36 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 36 of 42] 10597201-COPY37 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 37 of 42] 10597201-COPY38 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 38 of 42] 10597201-COPY39 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 39 of 42] 10597201-COPY40 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 40 of 42] 10597201-COPY41 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 41 of 42] 10597201-COPY42 ==> 2. "Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes" (from Lohmotta) [copy 42 of 42] 10600338 ==> 3. "Merlin: Morgana Expansion" (from Lohmotta) 10600350 ==> 4. "Alt Name: Combo Dwar7s" (from Lohmotta) 10600342 ==> 5. "Grasse: Mestres Perfumistas" (from Lohmotta) 10600343 ==> 6. "Alt Name: Bamboo + Abyss Conspiracy" (from Lohmotta) 10600354 ==> 7. "Equinox" (from Lohmotta) 10600356 ==> 8. "Alt Name: Combo diversão 3 jogos" (from Lohmotta) 10600357 ==> 9. "Hunt for the Ring" (from Lohmotta) 10600361 ==> 10. "Holi: Festival of Colors" (from Lohmotta) 10600363 ==> 11. "Manila" (from Lohmotta) 10600368 ==> 12. "K2" (from Lohmotta) 10601134 ==> 13. "The Red Cathedral" (from Nesquik122) 10601138 ==> 14. "Nova Luna" (from Nesquik122) 10601143 ==> 15. "Alt Name: Pix R$ 200,00" (from Nesquik122) 10601144 ==> 16. "Alt Name: Pix R$ 300,00" (from Nesquik122) 10601146 ==> 17. "Alt Name: Barenpark + timeline: Brasil + Race for the galaxy" (from Nesquik122) 10601467 ==> 18. "Alt Name: Tiny Epic Dungeons + Scooby Doo" (from Henrique77) 10601472 ==> 19. "Agricola (Revised Edition)" (from Henrique77) 10601501 ==> 20. "Fresco" (from tkpaulo) 10601506 ==> 21. "Keyflower" (from tkpaulo) 10601507 ==> 22. "CIV: Carta Impera Victoria" (from tkpaulo) 10601509 ==> 23. "La Muse" (from tkpaulo) 10601511 ==> 24. "The Pursuit of Happiness: Community" (from tkpaulo) 10601512 ==> 25. "Peloponnes Card Game" (from tkpaulo) 10601589 ==> 26. "Zombicide: Undead or Alive" (from Henrique77) 10601601 ==> 27. "Alt Name: Covil + Expansão postos avançados! + Loot" (from Henrique77) 10601602 ==> 28. "It's a Wonderful World" (from ChangesKhan) 10601603 ==> 29. "La Granja" (from ChangesKhan) 10601606 ==> 30. "A Feast for Odin" (from tkpaulo) 10601610 ==> 31. "Alt Name: FUNGI (PAPERGAMES)+BULLFROGS (FUNBOX)+TIDES OF TIME (FUNBOX)" (from ChangesKhan) 10601623 ==> 32. "Alt Name: Under Falling Skies + Dwar7s" (from Henrique77) 10601628 ==> 33. "Meeple Circus" (from tkpaulo) 10601657 ==> 34. "Alt Name: Exterminador do Futuro + Prehistorias" (from Henrique77) 10601701 ==> 35. "Alt Name: PIX R$100" (from ChangesKhan) 10601705 ==> 36. "Alt Name: PIX R$200" (from ChangesKhan) 10601713 ==> 37. "Alt Name: PIX R$300" (from ChangesKhan) 10601935 ==> 38. "Santorini" (from Nesquik122) 10601943 ==> 39. "Ascension: Deckbuilding Game" (from Nesquik122) 10602756 ==> 40. "Tinners' Trail: Expanded Edition" (from tho_andrade) 10602808 ==> 41. "London (Second Edition)" (from tho_andrade) 10602818 ==> 42. "Reload" (from tho_andrade) 10602828 ==> 43. "Century: A New World" (from tho_andrade) 10603191 ==> 44. "Alt Name: Pacote de jogo de dados: + + " (from sslima) 10603228 ==> 45. "Alt Name: Jogo Grok - Jogue - Descubra" (from sslima) 10603266 ==> 46. "The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth" (from sslima) 10603276 ==> 47. "Era: Medieval Age" (from sslima) 10603286 ==> 48. "When I Dream" (from sslima) 10603294 ==> 49. "Stella: Dixit Universe" (from sslima) 10603308 ==> 50. "Alt Name: + + + + + " (from sslima) 10603315 ==> 51. "Carnegie: Departments and Donations Expansion" (from tho_andrade) 10603319 ==> 52. "Alt Name: Pacote de jogos + +" (from sslima) 10603335 ==> 53. "Alt Name: DOGS + EXPANSÃO O SÓCIO" (from tho_andrade) 10603341 ==> 54. "Alt Name: Pacote de jogo de cartas +++" (from sslima) 10603345 ==> 55. "desConfronto" (from tho_andrade) 10603727 ==> 56. "Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game" (from Henrique77) 10603786 ==> 57. "Captains of Industry" (from gugagurgel) 10603841 ==> 58. "Treasure Hunter" (from JoaoVictorDias) 10603845 ==> 59. "Viral" (from JoaoVictorDias) 10603847 ==> 60. "Destinies" (from JoaoVictorDias) 10603852 ==> 61. "Ultimate Railroads" (from JoaoVictorDias) 10603856 ==> 62. "Great Western Trail: Second Edition" (from JoaoVictorDias) 10603861 ==> 63. "Gen7: A Crossroads Game" (from JoaoVictorDias) 10603863 ==> 64. "Virtù" (from JoaoVictorDias) 10603866 ==> 65. "Arena: The Contest" (from JoaoVictorDias) 10603875 ==> 66. "Alt Name: Vampiro a Máscara 5ª Edição" (from JoaoVictorDias) 10603972 ==> 67. "Costa Ruana" (from crisfmartinelli) 10603975 ==> 68. "Alt Name: Combo de Deckscape/Elem/Dedin/HP" (from crisfmartinelli) 10604139 ==> 69. "Alt Name: TORRE DE DADOS EM ACRÍLICO + BANDEJA DE DADOS" (from tho_andrade) 10604291 ==> 70. "Onitama" (from leodeschain092) 10605624 ==> 71. "Spirit Island" (from SamMelo) 10605626 ==> 72. "Blacksmith Brothers" (from SamMelo) 10605628 ==> 73. "Small World of Warcraft" (from SamMelo) 10605632 ==> 74. "Terra Mystica" (from SamMelo) 10606472 ==> 75. "Alt Name: Combo Walkie/Nós não/Pocket Det" (from crisfmartinelli) 10607805 ==> 76. "Skytear" (from KAWolf) 10607809 ==> 77. "Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition" (from KAWolf) 10607811 ==> 78. "Paladins of the West Kingdom" (from KAWolf) 10607813 ==> 79. "Tyrants of the Underdark: Board Game" (from KAWolf) 10607816 ==> 80. "Terminator Genisys: Rise of the Resistance" (from KAWolf) 10607818 ==> 81. "Fog of Love" (from KAWolf) 10607820 ==> 82. "Marvel United" (from KAWolf) 10607823 ==> 83. "Small World of Warcraft" (from KAWolf) 10607824 ==> 84. "World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King" (from KAWolf) 10607825 ==> 85. "Carnival Zombie: 2nd Edition" (from KAWolf) 10607826 ==> 86. "The Few and Cursed" (from KAWolf) 10607827 ==> 87. "7 Wonders (Second Edition)" (from KAWolf) 10607828 ==> 88. "Corrosion" (from KAWolf) 10607830 ==> 89. "Cryptid: Urban Legends" (from KAWolf) 10607831 ==> 90. "Jester" (from KAWolf) 10607836 ==> 91. "Hagakure" (from KAWolf) 10607839 ==> 92. "Alt Name: Pathfinder 2nd edition Begginer Box e Treasure Vault" (from KAWolf) 10607841 ==> 93. "Alt Name: Tormenta 20 e Jornada Heróica" (from KAWolf) 10607842 ==> 94. "Alt Name: Zweihannder RPG Starter Set" (from KAWolf) 10608520 ==> 95. "Witchstone" (from ianclima) 10608521 ==> 96. "Corto" (from ianclima) 10608522 ==> 97. "Spyrium" (from ianclima) 10608523 ==> 98. "Sugar Gliders" (from ianclima) 10608525 ==> 99. "Tiny Towns" (from ianclima) 10608526 ==> 100. "Covert" (from ianclima) 10608575 ==> 101. "Velociraptor! Cannibalism!" (from ianclima) 10609214 ==> 102. "Terraforming Mars: The Dice Game" (from SamMelo) 10609389 ==> 103. "Alt Name: PIX R$200" (from lippebaixo) 10609391 ==> 104. "Alt Name: PIX R$300" (from lippebaixo) 10609393 ==> 105. "Alt Name: PIX R$400" (from lippebaixo) 10609494 ==> 106. "Explorers of the North Sea" (from gleydson) 10609560 ==> 107. "Monolith: The Strategy Game" (from gleydson) 10609571 ==> 108. "Zapotec" (from gleydson) 10609576 ==> 109. "6 Castles" (from gleydson) 10610461 ==> 110. "BANG! The Dice Game" (from Marcosou10) 10610467 ==> 111. "Brew" (from Marcosou10) 10610473 ==> 112. "Cyclades" (from Marcosou10) 10610521 ==> 113. "Noria" (from Orelho) 10610526 ==> 114. "Overdrive" (from Orelho) 10610538 ==> 115. "Alt Name: Oh My Goods! + No Thanks! + The Resistance + Keyforge: Era da Ascensão (2 Decks de Arconte Lacrados) + Fanhunter: Assault + War Cards + Can-Can (Grow)" (from Orelho) 10610540 ==> 116. "Heróis de San Villano" (from Orelho) 10610545 ==> 117. "Otys" (from Orelho) 10610547 ==> 118. "Alt Name: Cangaço + Taco Gato Fifa + Bandido" (from Orelho) 10610554 ==> 119. "Alt Name: Innovation + Capital Lux + Black Stories" (from Orelho) 10610562 ==> 120. "Summoner Wars: Master Set" (from Orelho) 10610983 ==> 121. "Dice Throne: Season One ReRolled – Monk v. Paladin" (from renanzx) 10610992 ==> 122. "Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation" (from renanzx) 10610995 ==> 123. "Pandemic: Rapid Response" (from renanzx) 10611606 ==> 124. "Princes of the Dragon Throne" (from Katabrok) 10611607 ==> 125. "Regicida" (from Katabrok) 10611610 ==> 126. "Covert" (from Katabrok) 10611612 ==> 127. "Alt Name: R$ 300,00" (from Katabrok) 10611614 ==> 128. "Imagine" (from Katabrok) 10611615 ==> 129. "King Up!" (from Katabrok) 10611620 ==> 130. "The Isle of Cats" (from Katabrok) 10611621 ==> 131. "Mental Blocks" (from Katabrok) 10611622 ==> 132. "Space Alert" (from Katabrok) 10611624 ==> 133. "Space Cadets: Dice Duel" (from Katabrok) 10611640 ==> 134. "Summoner Wars: Master Set" (from Katabrok) 10612591 ==> 135. "Alt Name: Pacote de jogos + " (from sslima) 10614689 ==> 136. "De Vulgari Eloquentia: Deluxe Edition" (from fjpatricio) 10615809 ==> 137. "Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig" (from renanzx) 10615815 ==> 138. "The Manhattan Project" (from renanzx) 10615825 ==> 139. "Alt Name: Front Total + Pocket Mars + Narabi " (from renanzx) 10615827 ==> 140. "Alt Name: Architectura + Port Royal: A Caminho! + Palm island " (from renanzx) 10617969 ==> 141. "Hunt for the Ring" (from renanzx) 10619274 ==> 142. "Luna" (from nielison) 10619275 ==> 143. "Mombasa" (from nielison) 10619277 ==> 144. "AquaSphere" (from nielison) 10619279 ==> 145. "The Voyages of Marco Polo" (from nielison) 10619282 ==> 146. "Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island" (from nielison) 10619284 ==> 147. "Nemesis" (from nielison) 10619285 ==> 148. "Western Legends" (from nielison) 10619288 ==> 149. "Grand Prix" (from nielison) 10619309 ==> 150. "Alt Name: COMBO JOGOS DE CONFLITO/GUERRA" (from nielison) 10619325 ==> 151. "Alt Name: COMBO EUROS LEVES/MÉDIOS" (from nielison) 10619333 ==> 152. "Alt Name: COMBO JOGOS PEQUENOS" (from nielison) 10619390 ==> 153. "La Granja" (from Katabrok) 10619397 ==> 154. "Tower of Babel" (from Katabrok) 10620226 ==> 155. "Dream On!" (from miqueiasnmaciel) 10622935 ==> 156. "Super Dungeon Explore" (from Hudjinn) 10622939 ==> 157. "Zombicide" (from Hudjinn) 10624681 ==> 158. "Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion" (from Gutenjr) 10625207 ==> 159. "Sentinels of the Multiverse" (from avohai33) 10625210 ==> 160. "Overdrive" (from avohai33) 10625211 ==> 161. "Pélaghos" (from avohai33) 10625215 ==> 162. "Anime Saga" (from avohai33) 10625238 ==> 163. "Heróis de San Villano" (from avohai33) 10630923 ==> 164. "Imperial 2030" (from Fellpsalomao) 10631459 ==> 165. "Sentinels of the Multiverse" (from Fellpsalomao) 10632316 ==> 166. "Cartographers Heroes" (from gleydson) 10632337 ==> 167. "Alt Name: PACOTE KEN FOLLETT" (from gleydson) 10632350 ==> 168. "Pandemic: Contagion" (from gleydson) 10632365 ==> 169. "Camel Up Cards" (from gleydson) 10633355 ==> 170. "Blockers! The Card Game" (from Yxast) 10633419 ==> 171. "Love Letter" (from Yxast) 10633475 ==> 172. "Gardens" (from Yxast) 10634773 ==> 173. "Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization" (from tonyjosh00) 10634775 ==> 174. "Otys" (from tonyjosh00) 10640937 ==> 175. "Eleven: Football Manager Board Game" (from tho_andrade) 10641561 ==> 176. "Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game" (from Will14N) 10642694 ==> 177. "Bamboo" (from SamMelo) 10643082 ==> 178. "Alt Name: Pacote com leves: Overdrive/ Coup/ Sociedade dos Salafrarios" (from fjpatricio) 10643419 ==> 179. "Great Western Trail: Second Edition" (from XequeMat) 10643430 ==> 180. "Small World" (from XequeMat) 10643595 ==> 181. "Spirit Island" (from Xniper) 10643598 ==> 182. "Silk" (from Xniper) 10646258 ==> 183. "Coup: Deluxe Edition" (from fromcampos) 10647570 ==> 184. "Arkham Horror: The Card Game (Revised Edition)" (from Loyab) 10647585 ==> 185. "Tortuga 2199" (from Loyab) 10650192 ==> 186. "desConfronto" (from tho_andrade) 10656229 ==> 187. "Lords of Hellas" (from tho_andrade) 10656502 ==> 188. "Terra Nova" (from XequeMat) 10656505 ==> 189. "Oceanos" (from XequeMat) 10656508 ==> 190. "Virtù" (from XequeMat) 10656523 ==> 191. "Alt Name: 3 jogos e 1expansão" (from XequeMat) 10656651 ==> 192. "Karuba" (from XequeMat) 10656742 ==> 193. "Arkham Horror: The Card Game (Revised Edition)" (from XequeMat) 10656746 ==> 194. "Reload" (from XequeMat) 10657424 ==> 195. "Sanssouci" (from XequeMat) 10658169 ==> 196. "Small World" (from Orelho) 10658185 ==> 197. "Barony" (from Orelho) 10658194 ==> 198. "Kanban: Driver's Edition" (from Orelho) 10658244 ==> 199. "Arkham Horror: Final Hour" (from Orelho) 10658254 ==> 200. "Cryptid" (from Orelho) 10658268 ==> 201. "Bitoku" (from Orelho) 10658327 ==> 202. "Ankh: Gods of Egypt" (from Nesquik122) 10658601 ==> 203. "Oh My Brain" (from railsonga04) 10658602 ==> 204. "Fantasy Realms" (from railsonga04) 10658605 ==> 205. "Red7" (from railsonga04) 10658609 ==> 206. "Wingspan: European Expansion" (from railsonga04) 10658615 ==> 207. "The Magnificent" (from railsonga04) 10658618 ==> 208. "Zapotec" (from railsonga04) 10658958 ==> 209. "Alchemists" (from crisfmartinelli) 10658960 ==> 210. "Carnavalesco" (from crisfmartinelli) 10659938 ==> 211. "Alt Name: insert agrícola para até 6 jogadores em mdf da bucaneiros" (from railsonga04) 10659941 ==> 212. "Newton" (from railsonga04) 10660033 ==> 213. "Teotihuacan: City of Gods" (from railsonga04) 10661457 ==> 214. "Strained Kingdoms: Strifull – The Card Game" (from XequeMat) 10662170 ==> 215. "Alt Name: Bloodborne: The Card Game + Expansão O Pesadelo do Caçador" (from Henrique77) 10662184 ==> 216. "Gears of War: The Board Game" (from Henrique77) 10662561 ==> 217. "Brazil: Imperial" (from tho_andrade) 10662654 ==> 218. "Ankh: Gods of Egypt – Guardians Set" (from tho_andrade) 10662858 ==> 219. "The Gallerist" (from SamMelo) 10663089 ==> 220. "Raiders of Scythia" (from bahalder) 10663091 ==> 221. "Circadians: First Light" (from bahalder) 10663092 ==> 222. "Great Western Trail" (from bahalder) 10665809 ==> 223. "Modern Art Card Game" (from railsonga04) 10666017 ==> 224. "221B Baker St.: Sherlock Holmes & the Time Machine" (from XequeMat) 10666039 ==> 225. "Marrakech" (from XequeMat) 10666048 ==> 226. "Smash Up: Awesome Level 9000" (from XequeMat) 10666944 ==> 227. "Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy" (from XequeMat) 10669288 ==> 228. "Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition" (from renanzx) 10669674 ==> 229. "Merchants Cove" (from Dymi) 10669676 ==> 230. "Mariposas" (from Dymi) 10669677 ==> 231. "Sagrada" (from Dymi) 10669685 ==> 232. "Azul" (from Dymi) 10669687 ==> 233. "Ascension: Deckbuilding Game" (from Dymi) 10669842 ==> 234. "Alt Name: India summers & happy hour" (from Babizinha) 10669913 ==> 235. "Great Western Trail" (from lolebn) 10669931 ==> 236. "King of New York" (from lolebn) 10669936 ==> 237. "Oak" (from lolebn) 10669965 ==> 238. "Escape Room: The Game" (from lolebn) 10670015 ==> 239. "Dead Man's Doubloons" (from lolebn) 10670020 ==> 240. "Pandemic: Rapid Response" (from lolebn) 10670031 ==> 241. "Room 25" (from lolebn) 10670567 ==> 242. "Alt Name: Pix: R$900,00" (from Orelho) 10671484 ==> 243. "CONEX" (from gleydson) 10671489 ==> 244. "Cartas a Vapor" (from gleydson) 10671504 ==> 245. "Belfort: Edición Limitada" (from gleydson) 10671522 ==> 246. "Krosmaster: Blast" (from gleydson) 10671556 ==> 247. "Star Wars: Rebellion" (from FakeT) 10671931 ==> 248. "Imperial Settlers" (from Dymi) 10672596 ==> 249. "Nidavellir" (from Dymi) 10679105 ==> 250. "OddVille" (from gleydson) 10679110 ==> 251. "Pandemic Legacy: Season 0" (from gleydson) 10679117 ==> 252. "Expedition to Newdale" (from gleydson) 10679138 ==> 253. "American Bookshop" (from gleydson) 10679146 ==> 254. "Lucca Città" (from gleydson) 10679154 ==> 255. "Runicards" (from gleydson) 10680253 ==> 256. "Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Wrath of the Righteous – Base Set" (from Godofredo) 10682032 ==> 257. "Alt Name: Combo Dungeon Crawler" (from xxt7xx) 10682054 ==> 258. "Alt Name: Combo Mitológico" (from xxt7xx) 10682064 ==> 259. "Alt Name: Combo Intriga" (from xxt7xx) 10682090 ==> 260. "Alt Name: Combo Ancestral" (from xxt7xx) 10682124 ==> 261. "Alt Name: Combo Investigação" (from xxt7xx) 10682151 ==> 262. "Star Wars: Rebellion" (from xxt7xx) 10682158 ==> 263. "Alt Name: Combo Apostador" (from xxt7xx) 10686273 ==> 264. "Reavers of Midgard" (from pfifikus) 10686275 ==> 265. "Viscounts of the West Kingdom" (from pfifikus) 10686279 ==> 266. "Mariposas" (from pfifikus) 10686280 ==> 267. "Mandala Stones" (from pfifikus) 10686283 ==> 268. "Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne" (from pfifikus) 10686333 ==> 269. "Alt Name: super combo" (from pfifikus) 10686741 ==> 270. "Ark Nova" (from marioanalista) 10686748 ==> 271. "Steam" (from marioanalista) 10686754 ==> 272. "Zapotec" (from marioanalista) 10686758 ==> 273. "Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem" (from marioanalista) 10686762 ==> 274. "18Chesapeake" (from marioanalista) 10686766 ==> 275. "Alchemists" (from marioanalista) 10686769 ==> 276. "Fresco" (from marioanalista) 10686775 ==> 277. "Terraforming Mars" (from marioanalista) 10686778 ==> 278. "Der weiße Lotus" (from marioanalista) 10686782 ==> 279. "Firenze" (from marioanalista) 10686787 ==> 280. "Quantum" (from marioanalista) 10686797 ==> 281. "Blueprints" (from marioanalista) 10686895 ==> 282. "Hippocrates" (from marioanalista) 10686896 ==> 283. "Imperium: Classics" (from marioanalista) 10687342 ==> 284. "Flourish" (from andreyeloy) 10687346 ==> 285. "Coimbra" (from andreyeloy) 10687347 ==> 286. "Meeple Heist" (from andreyeloy) 10687359 ==> 287. "Alt Name: Combo Pequenos Bons jogos" (from andreyeloy) 10687361 ==> 288. "GoodCritters" (from Orelho) 10687370 ==> 289. "Combo Color" (from andreyeloy) 10687371 ==> 290. "History of the World" (from andreyeloy) 10687408 ==> 291. "Alt Name: Pix: R$100,00" (from andreyeloy) 10687410 ==> 292. "Alt Name: Pix: R$200,00" (from andreyeloy) 10687411 ==> 293. "Alt Name: Pix: R$300,00" (from andreyeloy) 10687459 ==> 294. "Cryptid" (from XequeMat) 10687470 ==> 295. "Pandemic: Hot Zone – North America" (from XequeMat) 10687475 ==> 296. "Bärenpark" (from XequeMat) 10687551 ==> 297. "Hunt: The Unknown Quarry" (from Dxlima) 10687576 ==> 298. "Fort" (from evomoraes) 10687608 ==> 299. "Passa Palavras" (from evomoraes) 10687612 ==> 300. "Lacrimosa" (from evomoraes) 10687630 ==> 301. "Imperium: Classics" (from evomoraes) 10687667 ==> 302. "Architects of the West Kingdom" (from vmatheusns) 10687676 ==> 303. "Barony" (from vmatheusns) 10687684 ==> 304. "Valeria: Card Kingdoms" (from vmatheusns) 10687686 ==> 305. "SpellBook" (from vmatheusns) 10687688 ==> 306. "Gataria" (from vmatheusns) 10687693 ==> 307. "London (Second Edition)" (from vmatheusns) 10687695 ==> 308. "Root" (from vmatheusns) 10687698 ==> 309. "Colt Express" (from vmatheusns) 10687702 ==> 310. "Sagrada" (from vmatheusns) 10687706 ==> 311. "World Wonders" (from vmatheusns) 10687708 ==> 312. "Tindaya" (from vmatheusns) 10687710 ==> 313. "Terra Mystica" (from vmatheusns) 10687711 ==> 314. "Santa Kaos" (from vmatheusns) 10687712 ==> 315. "The Siege of Runedar" (from vmatheusns) 10687732 ==> 316. "Wavelength" (from Psheep) 10687744 ==> 317. "Alhambra" (from Psheep) 10687763 ==> 318. "Santorini" (from Psheep) 10687789 ==> 319. "Carcassonne" (from Psheep) 10687805 ==> 320. "Skull" (from Psheep) 10688652 ==> 321. "Richard the Lionheart" (from rodrigo torre) 10688655 ==> 322. "Escape Room: The Game" (from rodrigo torre) 10689045 ==> 323. "Quissama" (from Kelionalmeida) 10689052 ==> 324. "Alt Name: COMBO 2 JOGADORES" (from nielison) 10689176 ==> 325. "Seasons" (from Hudjinn) 10689212 ==> 326. "Alt Name: jogos de intriga e dedução" (from Fellpsalomao) 10689293 ==> 327. "Survive: Escape from Atlantis!" (from ianclima) 10689311 ==> 328. "Mare Nostrum" (from J4ck7) 10689323 ==> 329. "Ancient Terrible Things" (from J4ck7) 10689327 ==> 330. "Colony" (from J4ck7) 10689330 ==> 331. "Quarriors!" (from J4ck7) 10689339 ==> 332. "Arena: For the Gods!" (from J4ck7) 10689342 ==> 333. "The Red Cathedral" (from J4ck7) 10689368 ==> 334. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from marceloneto) 10689369 ==> 335. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from marceloneto) 10689372 ==> 336. "Outside the Scope of BGG" (from marceloneto) !END-OFFICIAL-NAMES #pragma user "andreyeloy" # Confirmation code: M8wCJEltbVAM3Vgb4V-BCg # Thu Apr 25 17:28:03 2024 # (andreyeloy) %GWTSE : 10603856 10643419 # (andreyeloy) %LSE : 10602808 10687693 # (andreyeloy) %SWoW : 10605628 10607823 # Flourish (andreyeloy) 10687342 : 10619284 10609393 10670567 10686741 10619285 %GWTSE 10658268 10601144 10601713 10603308 10609391 10643595 10669685 10687706 10687612 10601467 10682064 %SWoW 10656742 10603847 10601143 10601705 10609389 10689372 10607828 10671522 10601603 %LSE 10607820 10689212 10640937 10686895 # Coimbra (andreyeloy) 10687346 : 10619284 10609393 10670567 10686741 10619285 %GWTSE 10658268 10601144 10601713 10603308 10609391 10643595 10669685 10687706 10687612 10601467 10682064 %SWoW 10656742 # Meeple Heist (andreyeloy) 10687347 : 10619284 10609393 10670567 10686741 10619285 %GWTSE 10658268 10601144 10601713 10603308 10609391 10643595 10669685 10687706 10687612 10601467 10682064 %SWoW 10656742 10603847 10601143 10601705 10609389 10689372 10607828 10671522 10601603 %LSE 10607820 10689212 10689369 10640937 10686895 10688655 10603861 10610983 # Alt Name: Combo Pequenos Bons jogos (andreyeloy) 10687359 : 10619284 10609393 10670567 10686741 10619285 %GWTSE 10658268 10601144 10601713 10603308 10609391 10643595 10669685 10687706 10687612 10601467 10682064 %SWoW 10656742 10603847 10601143 10601705 10609389 10689372 10607828 10671522 10601603 %LSE 10607820 10689212 10689369 10640937 10686895 10688655 10603861 10610983 # Combo Color (andreyeloy) 10687370 : 10619284 10609393 10670567 10686741 10619285 %GWTSE 10658268 10601144 10601713 10603308 10609391 10643595 10669685 10687706 10687612 10601467 10682064 %SWoW 10656742 10603847 10601143 10601705 10609389 10689372 10607828 10671522 10601603 %LSE 10607820 10689212 10689369 10640937 10686895 10688655 10603861 10610983 # History of the World (andreyeloy) 10687371 : 10619284 10609393 10670567 10686741 10619285 %GWTSE 10658268 10601144 10601713 10603308 10609391 10643595 10669685 10687706 10687612 10601467 10682064 %SWoW 10656742 10603847 10601143 10601705 10609389 10689372 10607828 10671522 # Alt Name: Pix: R$100,00 (andreyeloy) 10687408 : 10619284 10609393 10670567 10686741 10619285 %GWTSE 10658268 10601144 10601713 10603308 10609391 10643595 10669685 10687706 10687612 10601467 10682064 %SWoW 10656742 10603847 10601143 10601705 10609389 10689372 10607828 10671522 10601603 %LSE 10607820 10689212 10689369 # Alt Name: Pix: R$200,00 (andreyeloy) 10687410 : 10619284 10609393 10670567 10686741 10619285 %GWTSE 10658268 10601144 10601713 10603308 10609391 # Alt Name: Pix: R$300,00 (andreyeloy) 10687411 : 10619284 10609393 10670567 #pragma user "Avohai33" # Confirmation code: B-l3eB5dvyN7RjO6xXb5sw # Sat Apr 20 09:43:57 2024 # Sentinels of the Multiverse (Avohai33) 10625207 : 10601606 10671556 10619284 10634773 10619285 10603266 10656229 10607809 10687684 10601467 10603308 10603866 10656742 10640937 10666048 10607805 10656746 # Overdrive (Avohai33) 10625210 : 10601606 10671556 10619284 10634773 10619285 10603266 10656229 10607809 10687684 10601467 10603308 10603866 10656742 10640937 10666048 10607805 10656746 # Pélaghos (Avohai33) 10625211 : 10601606 10671556 10619284 10634773 10619285 10603266 10656229 10607809 10687684 10601467 10603308 10603866 10656742 10640937 10666048 10607805 10656746 # Anime Saga (Avohai33) 10625215 : 10601606 10671556 10619284 10634773 10619285 10603266 10656229 10607809 10687684 10601467 10603308 10603866 10656742 10640937 10666048 10607805 10656746 # Heróis de San Villano (Avohai33) 10625238 : 10601606 10671556 10619284 10634773 10619285 10603266 10656229 10607809 10687684 10601467 10603308 10603866 10656742 10640937 10666048 10607805 10656746 #pragma user "Babizinha" # Confirmation code: zskIwuqaretIFOm6DJ-QAA # Fri Apr 26 19:32:10 2024 # Alt Name: India summers & happy hour (Babizinha) 10669842 : 10601606 10686775 10605624 10643595 10605632 10687710 10671556 10619282 10663092 10601506 10686741 10669685 10610473 10658169 10619279 10603727 10619275 10687789 10601935 10687763 10601602 10671931 10658958 10686766 10619390 10600368 10630923 10603856 10608525 10615815 10601501 10686769 10601134 10601472 10686748 10687732 10619274 10600363 10610562 10611640 10602808 10679110 10601138 10603852 10601628 10603847 10622935 10608520 10619277 10600343 10600356 10601143 10601144 10601146 10601601 10601623 10601657 10601713 10607839 10609391 10609393 10610538 10619325 10656523 10670567 10682054 10682064 10682090 10682124 10682158 10686333 10687411 10662561 10608522 10608526 10611610 10658185 10603294 10669936 10669676 10686279 10603286 10603866 10605628 10600357 10617969 10642694 10607828 10607827 10610467 10609571 10658618 10686754 10614689 10603863 10601589 10607825 10666944 10686280 10600361 10607826 10611606 10603786 10605626 10600342 10658960 10671504 10625215 10625211 10607831 10603345 10650192 #pragma user "bahalder" # Confirmation code: L1320EogDTbGCFiWL8X0lg # Tue Apr 23 19:39:06 2024 # (bahalder) %SpiIsl : 10605624 10643595 # Raiders of Scythia (bahalder) 10663089 : %SpiIsl 10687695 10605632 10662858 10601506 10619284 10686741 10603266 10658958 10624681 10687706 10662184 10687612 10656229 10603852 10607809 10609393 10670567 10682064 10682090 10601589 10689293 # Circadians: First Light (bahalder) 10663091 : %SpiIsl 10687695 10605632 10662858 10601506 10619284 10686741 10603266 10658958 10624681 10687706 10662184 10687612 10656229 10603852 10607809 10609393 10670567 10682064 10682090 10601589 10689293 10619275 10601472 10669288 10609214 10686895 # Great Western Trail (bahalder) 10663092 : %SpiIsl 10687695 10605632 10662858 10601506 10619284 10686741 10603266 10658958 10624681 10687706 10662184 10687612 10656229 10603852 10607809 10609393 10670567 10682064 10682090 10601589 10689293 10619275 10601472 10669288 10609214 10686895 #pragma user "changeskhan" # Confirmation code: HiSFBk9eVSpLUxzZwuOxjg # Fri Apr 19 09:36:39 2024 # (changeskhan) %Crypt : 10658254 10687459 # (changeskhan) %Sagra : 10669677 10687702 # (changeskhan) %Santo : 10601935 10687763 # It's a Wonderful World (changeskhan) 10601602 : 10689293 10601606 10669685 %Sagra %Santo 10604291 %Crypt 10603852 10601623 10682158 # La Granja (changeskhan) 10601603 : 10689293 10601606 10669685 %Sagra %Santo 10604291 %Crypt 10603852 10601623 10682158 # Alt Name: FUNGI (PAPERGAMES)+BULLFROGS (FUNBOX)+TIDES OF TIME (FUNBOX) (changeskhan) 10601610 : 10689293 10601606 10669685 %Sagra %Santo 10604291 %Crypt 10603852 10601623 10682158 10610547 # Alt Name: PIX R$100 (changeskhan) 10601701 : 10689293 10601606 10669685 %Sagra %Santo 10604291 %Crypt 10603852 10601623 10682158 10610547 # Alt Name: PIX R$200 (changeskhan) 10601705 : 10689293 # Alt Name: PIX R$300 (changeskhan) 10601713 : #pragma user "Crisfmartinelli" # Confirmation code: rdjhGchu3dDGxHA4XIGxfw # Thu Apr 18 10:56:06 2024 # Costa Ruana (Crisfmartinelli) 10603972 : 10662858 10609393 10663091 10601144 10609391 10687411 10687693 10608520 10601143 10609389 10687410 10689369 10689372 10656502 10600354 10687408 # Alt Name: Combo de Deckscape/Elem/Dedin/HP (Crisfmartinelli) 10603975 : 10662858 10609393 10663091 10601144 10609391 10687411 10687693 10608520 10601143 10609389 10687410 10689369 10689372 10656502 10600354 10634777 10601138 10601467 10600361 10610983 10687688 # Alt Name: Combo Walkie/Nós não/Pocket Det (Crisfmartinelli) 10606472 : 10662858 10609393 10663091 10601144 10609391 10687411 10687693 10608520 10601143 10609389 10687410 10689369 10689372 10656502 10600354 10634777 # Alchemists (Crisfmartinelli) 10658958 : 10662858 10609393 # Carnavalesco (Crisfmartinelli) 10658960 : 10662858 10609393 10663091 10601144 10609391 10687411 #pragma user "Dxlima" # Confirmation code: QQThUmnlOHakpG3xdod/2A # Sun Apr 21 10:47:18 2024 # Hunt: The Unknown Quarry (Dxlima) 10687551 : 10601606 10662858 10619284 10686741 10669677 10607811 10603266 10601472 10686275 10687706 10658327 10602808 10687612 10603852 10607809 10619277 10601143 10601144 10601705 10601713 10609389 10609391 10609393 10611612 10619325 10670567 10682064 10687410 10687411 10601943 10658615 10686762 10656742 missing-official #pragma user "Dymi" # Confirmation code: SXfw5/DOCLHZ4Bnn2QylWQ # Wed Apr 24 12:15:31 2024 # (Dymi) %SpiIsl : 10605624 10643595 # Merchants Cove (Dymi) 10669674 : 10601606 10619284 10686741 10603852 10607809 10682090 # Mariposas (Dymi) 10669676 : 10601606 10619284 10686741 10603852 10607809 10682090 10609393 10605624 10643595 10662858 10603266 10660033 10658268 10671556 10656742 # Sagrada (Dymi) 10669677 : 10601606 10619284 10686741 10603852 10607809 10682090 10609393 # Azul (Dymi) 10669685 : 10601606 10619284 10686741 10603852 10607809 10682090 10609393 # Ascension: Deckbuilding Game (Dymi) 10669687 : 10601606 10619284 10686741 10603852 10607809 10682090 10609393 10605624 10643595 10662858 10603266 10660033 10658268 # Imperial Settlers (Dymi) 10671931 : 10601606 10619284 10686741 10603852 10607809 10682090 10609393 10605624 10643595 10662858 10603266 10660033 10658268 10671556 10656742 10611620 10602828 10658185 10656502 10647585 # Nidavellir (Dymi) 10672596 : 10601606 10619284 10686741 10603852 10607809 10682090 10609393 10605624 10643595 10662858 10603266 10660033 10658268 10671556 10656742 10611620 10602828 10658185 10656502 10647585 10607828 #pragma user "evomoraes" # Confirmation code: ww3GTZSi7w3iyt9X8pG9aw # Thu Apr 25 23:07:59 2024 # Fort (evomoraes) 10687576 : 10619284 10669674 10609393 10603294 10686275 10686896 10601143 10601144 10601467 10601705 10609389 10609391 10611612 10687410 10687411 10689372 10607827 10601138 10600343 # Passa Palavras (evomoraes) 10687608 : 10603294 10600363 10603276 10603845 10603286 10600357 10610467 10600354 10601507 # Lacrimosa (evomoraes) 10687612 : 10619284 10669674 10609393 10603852 10607809 10670567 10686762 10671522 # Imperium: Classics (evomoraes) 10687630 : 10619284 10669674 10609393 10603294 10686275 10686896 10603852 10607809 10601143 10601144 10601467 10601705 10609389 10609391 10611612 10687410 10687411 10689372 10607827 10689369 #pragma user "Faket" # Confirmation code: 1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg # Fri Apr 26 06:25:54 2024 # Star Wars: Rebellion (Faket) 10671556 : #pragma user "Fellpsalomao" # Confirmation code: TPZcvhnLgOFThpZeVZD5fA # Wed Apr 24 11:46:28 2024 # Imperial 2030 (Fellpsalomao) 10630923 : 10686775 10605624 10643595 10605632 10671556 10619282 10601506 10669685 10610473 10619279 10669677 10687702 10619275 10689176 10687789 10603266 10660033 10671931 10611620 10600368 10658254 10687459 10608525 10687744 10601501 10658194 10624681 10601472 10663089 10658327 10669674 10658268 10602808 10687612 10656229 10601138 10659941 10603276 10608520 10619277 10687712 10607820 10601467 10619325 10682032 10602828 10601943 10666039 10603286 10605628 10607823 10656502 10607813 10601589 10602756 10600342 10658960 # Sentinels of the Multiverse (Fellpsalomao) 10631459 : 10686775 10605624 10643595 10605632 10671556 10619282 10601506 10669685 10610473 10619279 10669677 10687702 10619275 10689176 10687789 10603266 10660033 10671931 10611620 10600368 10658254 10687459 10608525 10687744 10601501 10658194 10624681 10601472 10663089 10658327 10669674 10658268 10602808 10687612 10656229 10601138 10659941 10603276 10608520 10619277 10687712 10607820 10601467 10619325 10682032 10602828 10601943 10666039 10603286 10605628 10607823 10656502 10607813 10601589 10602756 10600342 10658960 10662858 10687708 # Alt Name: jogos de intriga e dedução (Fellpsalomao) 10689212 : 10686775 10605624 10643595 10605632 10671556 10619282 10601506 10669685 10610473 10619279 10669677 10687702 10619275 10689176 10687789 10603266 10660033 10671931 10611620 10600368 10658254 10687459 10608525 10687744 10601501 10658194 10624681 10601472 10663089 10658327 10669674 10658268 10602808 10687612 10656229 10601138 10659941 10603276 10608520 10619277 10687712 10607820 10601467 10619325 10682032 10602828 10601943 10666039 10603286 10605628 10607823 10656502 10607813 10601589 10602756 10600342 10658960 10662858 10687708 10615815 10656651 10679110 10601628 10609494 10658615 10607828 #pragma user "fjpatricio" # Confirmation code: ZCOig8QY1MORCuaCljTCMg # Mon Apr 22 15:34:32 2024 # (fjpatricio) %Fresco : 10601501 10686769 # (fjpatricio) %GWTSE : 10603856 10643419 # (fjpatricio) %LSE : 10602808 10687693 # (fjpatricio) %SWoW : 10605628 10607823 # (fjpatricio) %SmaWor : 10643430 10658169 # (fjpatricio) %TerMys : 10605632 10687710 # (fjpatricio) %Zapot : 10609571 10658618 10686754 # De Vulgari Eloquentia: Deluxe Edition (fjpatricio) 10614689 : 10687695 %TerMys 10662858 10601506 10619284 10610473 10619279 10669677 10687667 10619285 10660033 10611620 %GWTSE 10686748 10687706 10658327 10669674 10658268 10687612 10656229 10603852 10607809 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10619325 10670567 10682064 10682090 10687411 10662561 10656502 10607813 # Alt Name: Pacote com leves: Overdrive/ Coup/ Sociedade dos Salafrarios (fjpatricio) 10643082 : 10687695 %TerMys 10662858 10601506 10619284 10610473 10619279 10669677 10687667 10619285 10660033 10611620 %GWTSE 10686748 10687706 10658327 10669674 10658268 10687612 10656229 10603852 10607809 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10619325 10670567 10682064 10682090 10687411 10662561 10656502 10607813 10669913 10669685 %SmaWor 10689176 10687475 10601602 10671931 10600368 10658254 10608525 10615815 10687744 %Fresco 10658194 10656651 10663089 10687732 10600363 %LSE 10669288 10601138 10659941 10687576 10603276 10601628 10609494 10663091 10608520 10619277 10600343 10601143 10601146 10601705 10603335 10609389 10612591 10687410 10689372 10669687 10603294 10669936 10609214 10603286 %SWoW 10642694 10607828 10607827 10610467 10640937 10687686 %Zapot 10656508 10600361 10647585 10607826 10656746 10602756 10658960 10687711 10687688 missing-official #pragma user "fromcampos" # Confirmation code: pMYRcHI28cN2si0HuVmf0Q # Fri Apr 26 07:48:15 2024 # Coup: Deluxe Edition (fromcampos) 10646258 : 10687789 10601602 10601134 10602808 10687361 10607827 10610995 #pragma user "gleydson" # Confirmation code: kSmt0cw-naTI6Jlesu79lQ # Fri Apr 26 16:21:11 2024 # (gleydson) %Bamboo : 10600343 10642694 # (gleydson) %Fresco : 10601501 10686769 # (gleydson) %HyppoD : 10682090 10686895 # (gleydson) %ImpCla : 10686896 10687630 # Explorers of the North Sea (gleydson) 10609494 : 10686741 10670567 # Monolith: The Strategy Game (gleydson) 10609560 : 10686741 10670567 10687706 10609393 10614689 10658327 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10656502 10602756 %Fresco 10663089 %ImpCla 10686782 10609214 10607827 10610467 %HyppoD 10669936 10687342 10600338 10625211 %Bamboo 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10610461 10657424 10646258 # Zapotec (gleydson) 10609571 : 10686741 10670567 10687706 10609393 10614689 10658327 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10656502 10602756 # 6 Castles (gleydson) 10609576 : 10686741 10670567 10687706 10609393 10614689 10658327 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10656502 10602756 %Fresco 10663089 %ImpCla 10686782 10609214 10607827 10610467 %HyppoD 10669936 10687342 10600338 10625211 %Bamboo # Cartographers Heroes (gleydson) 10632316 : 10686741 10670567 10687706 10609393 10614689 10658327 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10656502 10602756 %Fresco 10663089 %ImpCla 10686782 10609214 10607827 10610467 %HyppoD 10669936 10687342 10600338 10625211 %Bamboo 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10610461 10657424 10646258 # Alt Name: PACOTE KEN FOLLETT (gleydson) 10632337 : 10686741 10670567 10687706 10609393 10614689 10658327 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10656502 10602756 %Fresco 10663089 %ImpCla 10686782 10609214 10607827 10610467 %HyppoD 10669936 10687342 10600338 10625211 %Bamboo 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10610461 # Pandemic: Contagion (gleydson) 10632350 : 10686741 10670567 10687706 10609393 10614689 10658327 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10656502 10602756 %Fresco 10663089 %ImpCla 10686782 10609214 10607827 10610467 %HyppoD 10669936 10687342 10600338 10625211 %Bamboo 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 # Camel Up Cards (gleydson) 10632365 : 10686741 10670567 10687706 10609393 10614689 10658327 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10656502 10602756 %Fresco 10663089 %ImpCla 10686782 10609214 10607827 10610467 %HyppoD 10669936 10687342 10600338 10625211 %Bamboo 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10610461 10657424 # CONEX (gleydson) 10671484 : 10686741 10670567 10687706 10609393 10614689 10658327 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10656502 10602756 %Fresco 10663089 %ImpCla 10686782 10609214 10607827 10610467 %HyppoD 10669936 10687342 10600338 10625211 %Bamboo 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10610461 10657424 10646258 # Cartas a Vapor (gleydson) 10671489 : 10686741 10670567 10687706 10609393 10614689 10658327 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10656502 10602756 %Fresco 10663089 %ImpCla 10686782 10609214 10607827 10610467 %HyppoD 10669936 10687342 10600338 10625211 %Bamboo 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10610461 10657424 # Belfort: Edición Limitada (gleydson) 10671504 : 10686741 10670567 10687706 10609393 10614689 10658327 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10656502 10602756 %Fresco 10663089 %ImpCla 10686782 10609214 10607827 10610467 %HyppoD # Krosmaster: Blast (gleydson) 10671522 : # OddVille (gleydson) 10679105 : 10686741 10670567 10687706 10609393 10614689 10658327 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10656502 10602756 # Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 (gleydson) 10679110 : 10686741 10670567 10687706 10609393 10614689 # Expedition to Newdale (gleydson) 10679117 : 10686741 10670567 # American Bookshop (gleydson) 10679138 : 10686741 10670567 10687706 10609393 10614689 10658327 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10656502 10602756 %Fresco 10663089 %ImpCla 10686782 10609214 10607827 10610467 %HyppoD 10669936 10687342 10600338 10625211 %Bamboo 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10610461 10657424 10646258 # Lucca Città (gleydson) 10679146 : 10686741 10670567 10687706 10609393 10614689 10658327 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10656502 10602756 %Fresco 10663089 %ImpCla 10686782 10609214 10607827 10610467 %HyppoD 10669936 10687342 10600338 10625211 %Bamboo 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10610461 10657424 10646258 # Runicards (gleydson) 10679154 : 10686741 10670567 10687706 10609393 10614689 10658327 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10656502 10602756 %Fresco 10663089 %ImpCla 10686782 10609214 10607827 10610467 %HyppoD 10669936 10687342 10600338 10625211 %Bamboo 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10610461 10657424 10646258 #pragma user "godofredo" # Confirmation code: eI3MmZ6MLYXlHk8H/hm0rg # Wed Apr 24 00:34:34 2024 # Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Wrath of the Righteous – Base Set (godofredo) 10680253 : 10671556 10682151 10619284 10603266 10686787 10624681 10662184 10600363 10679110 10656229 10607809 10603847 10601467 10603308 10609393 10670567 10682064 10682158 10605628 10607823 10607805 10607824 10601589 10671522 #pragma user "Gutenjr" # Confirmation code: 4B7/c8f7Nc2N8CRFK1FXVw # Sat Apr 20 22:13:46 2024 # Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion (Gutenjr) 10624681 : 10687695 10686741 10607809 #pragma user "Henrique77" # Confirmation code: AYizPAWMfB5UlLM5SM889A # Wed Apr 24 20:05:08 2024 # (Henrique77) %ADG : 10601943 10669687 # (Henrique77) %LaGra : 10601603 10619390 # (Henrique77) %SWoW : 10605628 10607823 # (Henrique77) %SmaWor : 10643430 10658169 # (Henrique77) %SpiIsl : 10605624 10643595 # Alt Name: Tiny Epic Dungeons + Scooby Doo (Henrique77) 10601467 : 10670567 10682054 10619284 10607809 10686741 10603308 # Agricola (Revised Edition) (Henrique77) 10601472 : 10670567 10682054 10619284 10607809 10686741 10603308 %SpiIsl 10682032 10601606 10686775 10624681 10601628 # Zombicide: Undead or Alive (Henrique77) 10601589 : 10670567 10682054 10619284 10607809 # Alt Name: Covil + Expansão postos avançados! + Loot (Henrique77) 10601601 : 10670567 10682054 10619284 10607809 10686741 10603308 %SpiIsl 10682032 10601606 10686775 10624681 10687695 10619285 10601628 10609393 10610473 10658327 10603847 10622935 10687712 10607820 %LaGra 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 # Alt Name: Under Falling Skies + Dwar7s (Henrique77) 10601623 : 10670567 10682054 10619284 10607809 10686741 10603308 %SpiIsl 10682032 10601606 10686775 10624681 # Alt Name: Exterminador do Futuro + Prehistorias (Henrique77) 10601657 : 10670567 10682054 10619284 10607809 10686741 10603308 %SpiIsl 10682032 # Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (Henrique77) 10603727 : 10670567 10682054 10619284 10607809 10686741 10603308 %SpiIsl 10682032 10601606 10686775 10624681 10687695 10619285 10609393 # Alt Name: Bloodborne: The Card Game + Expansão O Pesadelo do Caçador (Henrique77) 10662170 : 10670567 10682054 10619284 10607809 10686741 10603308 %SpiIsl 10682032 10601606 10686775 10624681 10687695 10619285 10601628 10609393 10610473 10658327 10603847 10622935 10687712 10607820 10666039 # Gears of War: The Board Game (Henrique77) 10662184 : 10670567 10682054 #pragma user "hudjinn" # Confirmation code: nhyAXbjV7uwpy80x9u7ebQ # Thu Apr 25 18:18:54 2024 # Super Dungeon Explore (hudjinn) 10622935 : 10619284 10686741 10670567 # Zombicide (hudjinn) 10622939 : 10619284 10686741 10670567 10624681 10656229 10603847 10608520 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10682054 10682064 10687411 10669936 10601589 10689293 10605624 10643595 10687695 10669685 10610473 10658958 10658254 10687459 10603856 10643419 10658268 10602808 10687693 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10603294 # Seasons (hudjinn) 10689176 : 10619284 10686741 10670567 10624681 10656229 10603847 10608520 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10682054 10682064 10687411 10669936 10601589 10689293 #pragma user "ianclima" # Confirmation code: 8xhU2K-4S9QfzTtdVVF6qA # Tue Apr 23 21:55:50 2024 # (ianclima) %AHTCGRE : 10647570 10656742 # (ianclima) %Sagra : 10669677 10687702 # (ianclima) %Santo : 10601935 10687763 # (ianclima) %SpiIsl : 10605624 10643595 # Witchstone (ianclima) 10608520 : %SpiIsl 10658327 10658268 10687612 10609393 10656229 %AHTCGRE %Sagra 10660033 10687706 10687732 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 %Santo 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 # Corto (ianclima) 10608521 : # Spyrium (ianclima) 10608522 : %SpiIsl 10658327 10658268 10687612 10609393 10656229 %AHTCGRE %Sagra 10660033 10687706 10687732 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10601506 %Santo 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10604291 10609494 10688652 10601138 # Sugar Gliders (ianclima) 10608523 : %SpiIsl 10658327 10658268 10687612 10609393 10656229 %AHTCGRE %Sagra 10660033 10687706 10687732 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10601506 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10604291 10679110 10609494 10688652 10601138 10689372 # Tiny Towns (ianclima) 10608525 : %SpiIsl 10658327 10658268 10687612 10609393 10656229 %AHTCGRE %Sagra 10660033 10687706 10687732 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10601506 %Santo 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10604291 10679110 10609494 10688652 # Covert (ianclima) 10608526 : %SpiIsl 10658327 10658268 10687612 10609393 # Velociraptor! Cannibalism! (ianclima) 10608575 : %SpiIsl 10658327 10658268 10687612 10609393 10656229 %AHTCGRE %Sagra 10660033 10687706 10687732 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10601506 %Santo 10679110 # Survive: Escape from Atlantis! (ianclima) 10689293 : %SpiIsl 10658327 10658268 10687612 10609393 10656229 %AHTCGRE #pragma user "J4ck7" # Confirmation code: WtXJIwxlLDxur7RUd5EtmQ # Fri Apr 26 07:31:40 2024 # Mare Nostrum (J4ck7) 10689311 : 10619279 10686787 10601603 10615815 10686782 10659941 10607809 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10670567 10687411 10608522 10608526 10611610 10609560 10687744 10658605 10604139 10665809 10607836 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689369 10689372 # Ancient Terrible Things (J4ck7) 10689323 : 10619279 10686787 10601603 10615815 10686782 10659941 10607809 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10670567 10687411 10608522 10608526 10611610 10609560 # Colony (J4ck7) 10689327 : 10619279 10686787 10601603 10615815 10686782 10659941 10607809 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10670567 10687411 10608522 10608526 10611610 10609560 10687744 10658605 10604139 10665809 10607836 # Quarriors! (J4ck7) 10689330 : 10619279 10686787 10601603 10615815 10686782 10659941 10607809 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10670567 10687411 10608522 10608526 10611610 10609560 10687744 10658605 10604139 10665809 10607836 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689369 10689372 # Arena: For the Gods! (J4ck7) 10689339 : 10619279 10686787 10601603 10615815 10686782 10659941 10607809 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10670567 10687411 10608522 10608526 10611610 10609560 # The Red Cathedral (J4ck7) 10689342 : 10619279 10686787 10601603 10615815 10686782 10659941 10607809 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10670567 10687411 10608522 10608526 10611610 10609560 #pragma user "JoaoVictorDias" # Confirmation code: ehnNMFfKee2wRRZdD3/h0w # Wed Apr 24 21:15:05 2024 # Treasure Hunter (JoaoVictorDias) 10603841 : 10603266 10658958 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 # Viral (JoaoVictorDias) 10603845 : 10603266 10658958 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 # Destinies (JoaoVictorDias) 10603847 : # Ultimate Railroads (JoaoVictorDias) 10603852 : # Great Western Trail: Second Edition (JoaoVictorDias) 10603856 : # Gen7: A Crossroads Game (JoaoVictorDias) 10603861 : 10603266 10658958 10609393 # Virtù (JoaoVictorDias) 10603863 : 10603266 10658958 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 # Arena: The Contest (JoaoVictorDias) 10603866 : # Alt Name: Vampiro a Máscara 5ª Edição (JoaoVictorDias) 10603875 : #pragma user "Katabrok" # Confirmation code: FWpHjBhQj97Biqpjt1ST-Q # Wed Apr 24 11:08:45 2024 # (Katabrok) %GWTSE : 10603856 10643419 # (Katabrok) %LSE : 10602808 10687693 # (Katabrok) %Virt : 10603863 10656508 # (Katabrok) %Zapot : 10658618 10686754 # Princes of the Dragon Throne (Katabrok) 10611606 : 10607809 10624681 10686782 10603852 10601628 10686741 %GWTSE 10687706 10601589 10658615 10619284 10658268 10687612 10662858 10619279 10619275 10686766 10686275 10658327 10669674 %LSE 10669288 10603847 10663091 10687712 10679117 10600343 10687411 10607813 10601602 10687410 10603294 10610467 10607830 # Regicida (Katabrok) 10611607 : 10607809 10624681 10686782 10603852 10601628 10686741 %GWTSE 10687706 10601589 10658615 10619284 10658268 10687612 10662858 10619279 10619275 10686766 10686275 10658327 10669674 %LSE 10669288 10603847 10663091 10687712 10679117 10600343 10687411 10607813 10601602 10687410 10603294 10610467 10607830 10687744 10658185 10600354 %Zapot %Virt 10647585 10687805 10687732 10687576 10610461 10687408 10689368 10689369 10607828 10610545 10614689 10669965 10643598 10686280 10670015 10656746 10687551 10603972 10601509 # Covert (Katabrok) 10611610 : 10607809 10624681 10686782 10603852 10601628 10686741 %GWTSE 10687706 10601589 # Alt Name: R$ 300,00 (Katabrok) 10611612 : 10607809 10624681 10686782 10603852 10601628 # Imagine (Katabrok) 10611614 : 10607809 10624681 10686782 10603852 10601628 10686741 %GWTSE 10687706 10601589 10658615 10619284 10658268 10687612 10662858 10619279 10619275 10686766 10686275 10658327 10669674 %LSE 10669288 10603847 10663091 10687712 10679117 10600343 10687411 10607813 10601602 10687410 10603294 10610467 10607830 10687744 10658185 10600354 %Zapot %Virt 10647585 # King Up! (Katabrok) 10611615 : 10607809 10624681 10686782 10603852 10601628 10686741 %GWTSE 10687706 10601589 10658615 10619284 10658268 10687612 10662858 10619279 10619275 10686766 10686275 10658327 10669674 %LSE 10669288 10603847 10663091 10687712 10679117 10600343 10687411 10607813 10601602 10687410 10603294 10610467 10607830 10687744 10658185 10600354 %Zapot %Virt 10647585 # The Isle of Cats (Katabrok) 10611620 : 10607809 # Mental Blocks (Katabrok) 10611621 : 10607809 10624681 10686782 10603852 10601628 10686741 %GWTSE 10687706 10601589 10658615 10619284 10658268 10687612 10662858 10619279 10619275 10686766 10686275 10658327 10669674 %LSE 10669288 10603847 10663091 10687712 10679117 10600343 10687411 10607813 10601602 10687410 10603294 10610467 10607830 # Space Alert (Katabrok) 10611622 : 10607809 10624681 10686782 10603852 10601628 10686741 # Space Cadets: Dice Duel (Katabrok) 10611624 : 10607809 10624681 10686782 10603852 10601628 10686741 %GWTSE 10687706 10601589 10658615 # Summoner Wars: Master Set (Katabrok) 10611640 : 10607809 # La Granja (Katabrok) 10619390 : 10607809 10624681 10686782 10603852 10601628 10686741 %GWTSE 10687706 10601589 10658615 10619284 10658268 10687612 10662858 10619279 10619275 10686766 10686275 10658327 10669674 %LSE 10669288 10603847 10663091 10687712 10679117 10600343 10687411 10607813 # Tower of Babel (Katabrok) 10619397 : 10607809 10624681 10686782 10603852 10601628 10686741 %GWTSE 10687706 10601589 10658615 10619284 10658268 10687612 #pragma user "KAWolf" # Confirmation code: /1XltXc-ZFueTOIrRDy98w # Thu Apr 25 09:44:55 2024 # Skytear (KAWolf) 10607805 : # Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition (KAWolf) 10607809 : # Paladins of the West Kingdom (KAWolf) 10607811 : 10670567 # Tyrants of the Underdark: Board Game (KAWolf) 10607813 : # Terminator Genisys: Rise of the Resistance (KAWolf) 10607816 : 10670567 # Fog of Love (KAWolf) 10607818 : # Marvel United (KAWolf) 10607820 : 10670567 10605624 10643595 10686741 10658268 10609393 # Small World of Warcraft (KAWolf) 10607823 : 10670567 10605624 10643595 10686741 10658268 10609393 # World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (KAWolf) 10607824 : 10670567 10605624 10643595 10686741 10658268 10609393 10611620 # Carnival Zombie: 2nd Edition (KAWolf) 10607825 : 10670567 10605624 10643595 10686741 10658268 10609393 10611620 10601144 10601713 # The Few and Cursed (KAWolf) 10607826 : # 7 Wonders (Second Edition) (KAWolf) 10607827 : 10670567 10605624 10643595 10686741 10658268 10609393 10611620 # Corrosion (KAWolf) 10607828 : 10670567 10605624 10643595 10686741 10658268 10609393 # Cryptid: Urban Legends (KAWolf) 10607830 : # Jester (KAWolf) 10607831 : # Hagakure (KAWolf) 10607836 : 10670567 10605624 10643595 10686741 10658268 10609393 10611620 10601144 10601713 10601606 # Alt Name: Pathfinder 2nd edition Begginer Box e Treasure Vault (KAWolf) 10607839 : 10670567 10605624 10643595 10686741 10658268 10609393 # Alt Name: Tormenta 20 e Jornada Heróica (KAWolf) 10607841 : 10670567 10605624 10643595 10686741 10658268 10609393 10611620 10601144 10601713 # Alt Name: Zweihannder RPG Starter Set (KAWolf) 10607842 : 10670567 10605624 10643595 10686741 10658268 10609393 10611620 10601144 10601713 #pragma user "Kelionalmeida" # Confirmation code: hHuOAnUApDjXloA9wnQkdw # Fri Apr 26 20:15:57 2024 # Quissama (Kelionalmeida) 10689045 : 10601606 10686775 10605624 10643595 10687695 10605632 10687710 10619282 10663092 10669913 10662858 10601506 10619284 10610473 10634773 10643430 10658169 10619279 10669677 10687702 10603727 10619275 10601935 10687763 10660033 10611620 10604291 10658958 10686766 10601603 10601501 10601134 10601472 10687732 10619274 10600363 10658268 10687612 10659941 10608520 10601705 10601713 10603335 10609389 10609391 10609393 10611612 10619325 10682090 10682158 10687410 10687411 10689052 10662561 10666039 10689311 10669676 10686279 10603845 10603286 10607827 10610467 10603863 10656508 10611614 10600361 10611621 10688652 10632365 10605626 10600342 10625211 10607831 #pragma user "lippebaixo" # Confirmation code: LAUVTTEaBs2qZvZqrMCThw # Fri Apr 26 16:38:41 2024 # Alt Name: PIX R$200 (lippebaixo) 10609389 : 10605632 10662858 10687695 10634773 10689342 # Alt Name: PIX R$300 (lippebaixo) 10609391 : 10605632 10662858 # Alt Name: PIX R$400 (lippebaixo) 10609393 : #pragma user "Lohmotta" # Confirmation code: 5K5t0ImWoWKjR/P-INBbRQ # Thu Apr 18 18:32:12 2024 # Alt Name: REGRAS DA MATH TRADE (Lohmotta) 10597199 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY1 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY2 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY3 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY4 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY5 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY6 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY7 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY8 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY9 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY10 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY11 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY12 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY13 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY14 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY15 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY16 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY17 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY18 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY19 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY20 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY21 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY22 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY23 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY24 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY25 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY26 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY27 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY28 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY29 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY30 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY31 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY32 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY33 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY34 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY35 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY36 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY37 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY38 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY39 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY40 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY41 : # Alt Name: Perguntas frequentes (Lohmotta) 10597201-COPY42 : # Merlin: Morgana Expansion (Lohmotta) 10600338 : 10670567 10619284 10662858 10686762 10603852 10609393 10682032 10601606 10686741 10689176 10687612 10679117 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 # Alt Name: Combo Dwar7s (Lohmotta) 10600350 : 10670567 10619284 10662858 10686762 10603852 # Grasse: Mestres Perfumistas (Lohmotta) 10600342 : 10670567 10619284 10662858 10686762 10603852 10609393 10682032 10601606 10686741 10689176 10687612 10679117 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10611610 # Alt Name: Bamboo + Abyss Conspiracy (Lohmotta) 10600343 : 10670567 10619284 10662858 10686762 10603852 10609393 10682032 10601606 10686741 10689176 10687612 10679117 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10611610 10622935 10611606 10658327 # Equinox (Lohmotta) 10600354 : 10670567 10619284 10662858 10686762 10603852 # Alt Name: Combo diversão 3 jogos (Lohmotta) 10600356 : 10670567 10619284 10662858 10686762 10603852 10609393 10682032 10601606 10686741 10689176 10687612 10679117 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10611610 10622935 10611606 10658327 # Hunt for the Ring (Lohmotta) 10600357 : 10670567 10619284 10662858 10686762 10603852 10609393 10682032 10601606 10686741 10689176 10687612 10679117 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10611610 10622935 10611606 10658327 # Holi: Festival of Colors (Lohmotta) 10600361 : 10670567 10619284 10662858 10686762 10603852 10609393 10682032 10601606 10686741 10689176 10687612 10679117 # Manila (Lohmotta) 10600363 : 10670567 10619284 10662858 10686762 10603852 # K2 (Lohmotta) 10600368 : 10670567 10619284 10662858 10686762 10603852 10609393 10682032 #pragma user "lolebn" # Confirmation code: yLYybf1DNKeGKRmrOkrXrg # Sun Apr 21 21:31:23 2024 # Great Western Trail (lolebn) 10669913 : 10686775 10601713 10669676 # King of New York (lolebn) 10669931 : 10600342 10687732 10601467 10601143 # Oak (lolebn) 10669936 : 10600342 10686775 10601713 10669676 10601144 10634777 10662561 # Escape Room: The Game (lolebn) 10669965 : 10687732 10601705 # Dead Man's Doubloons (lolebn) 10670015 : 10600342 10686775 10601713 10669676 10601144 10601467 10634777 # Pandemic: Rapid Response (lolebn) 10670020 : 10600342 10687732 10601467 # Room 25 (lolebn) 10670031 : 10600342 10686775 10687732 10601713 10669676 10601144 10634777 10662561 #pragma user "Loyab" # Confirmation code: Cjw04EfgtFrDnSoJlppRIg # Fri Apr 26 21:08:33 2024 # Arkham Horror: The Card Game (Revised Edition) (Loyab) 10647570 : 10671556 10607811 # Tortuga 2199 (Loyab) 10647585 : 10671556 10607811 10601606 10682151 10619279 10669677 10687702 10658268 10603276 10663091 10609393 10602828 10601943 10689323 10603841 10603863 10607824 10686895 10602818 10600342 10687711 #pragma user "marceloneto" # Confirmation code: O6lMbRaDO-9lBorfm4RpPw # Fri Apr 19 21:32:48 2024 # Outside the Scope of BGG (marceloneto) 10689368 : 10686775 10687695 10687710 10669913 10603266 10603856 10643419 10624681 10601472 10663089 10658327 10682064 10662561 10607827 10607813 10601589 10669685 10601602 10602808 10687693 10669288 10607820 10619325 10610467 10610473 10669677 10687702 10687346 10601134 10689342 10687732 10682090 10689212 10669676 # Outside the Scope of BGG (marceloneto) 10689369 : 10686775 10687695 10687710 10669913 10603266 10603856 10643419 10624681 10601472 10663089 10658327 10682064 10662561 10607827 10607813 10601589 10669685 10601602 10602808 10687693 10669288 10607820 10619325 10610467 # Outside the Scope of BGG (marceloneto) 10689372 : 10686775 10687695 10687710 10669913 10603266 10603856 10643419 10624681 10601472 10663089 10658327 10682064 10662561 10607827 10607813 10601589 #pragma user "Marcosou10" # Confirmation code: khUlTIigu-scRJJFBNk6SQ # Sun Apr 21 23:42:39 2024 # (Marcosou10) %Alche : 10658958 10686766 # (Marcosou10) %Crypt : 10658254 10687459 # (Marcosou10) %GWTSE : 10603856 10643419 # (Marcosou10) %SWoW : 10605628 10607823 # (Marcosou10) %Sagra : 10669677 10687702 # (Marcosou10) %Zapot : 10609571 10658618 10686754 # BANG! The Dice Game (Marcosou10) 10610461 : 10686775 10619285 10603266 10603308 10611620 %Alche %Crypt %GWTSE 10687706 10658327 %SWoW 10607825 10607826 %Sagra 10611622 10687475 10687346 10608525 10615809 10601143 10601146 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689369 10689372 %Zapot 10611621 10625211 # Brew (Marcosou10) 10610467 : 10686775 10619285 10603266 10603308 10611620 %Alche %Crypt %GWTSE 10687706 10658327 %SWoW 10607813 10607825 10607826 10687695 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 # Cyclades (Marcosou10) 10610473 : 10686775 10619285 10603266 10603308 10607813 #pragma user "marioanalista" # Confirmation code: C5d9DFEyUyfH66djxCbVzQ # Mon Apr 22 09:48:06 2024 # Ark Nova (marioanalista) 10686741 : # Steam (marioanalista) 10686748 : # Zapotec (marioanalista) 10686754 : 10662858 10687710 10687706 10663091 # Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem (marioanalista) 10686758 : 10662858 # 18Chesapeake (marioanalista) 10686762 : # Alchemists (marioanalista) 10686766 : 10662858 10687710 10687706 # Fresco (marioanalista) 10686769 : 10662858 10687710 10687706 10663091 # Terraforming Mars (marioanalista) 10686775 : 10662858 # Der weiße Lotus (marioanalista) 10686778 : 10662858 10687710 10687706 10663091 # Firenze (marioanalista) 10686782 : 10662858 10687710 10687706 # Quantum (marioanalista) 10686787 : # Blueprints (marioanalista) 10686797 : 10662858 10687710 10687706 10663091 # Hippocrates (marioanalista) 10686895 : 10662858 10687710 10687706 10663091 # Imperium: Classics (marioanalista) 10686896 : 10662858 10687710 10687706 10663091 #pragma user "miqueiasnmaciel" # Confirmation code: LOMqprIYH5-ClSJBjJwdLg # Tue Apr 23 18:28:16 2024 # Dream On! (miqueiasnmaciel) 10620226 : 10600350 10619397 10601935 10601603 10603856 10601134 10619274 10602808 10601138 10608520 10603294 10603845 10632316 10603863 10601589 10607825 10607830 10600342 10610540 10625238 #pragma user "Nesquik122" # Confirmation code: yN6YqOdsONidZFpGCq0X2Q # Fri Apr 26 21:59:12 2024 # (Nesquik122) %AHTCGRE : 10647570 10656742 # (Nesquik122) %Alche : 10658958 10686766 # (Nesquik122) %Crypt : 10658254 10687459 # (Nesquik122) %GWTSE : 10603856 10643419 # (Nesquik122) %SWR : 10671556 10682151 # (Nesquik122) %Sagra : 10669677 10687702 # (Nesquik122) %SpiIsl : 10605624 10643595 # (Nesquik122) %Virt : 10603863 10656508 # The Red Cathedral (Nesquik122) 10601134 : 10619284 10682054 10682064 10605632 10686748 10601589 %SWR 10662858 10670567 10682032 10686775 %SpiIsl 10687695 %Sagra 10619285 %Alche %Crypt 10662184 10641561 10609393 10619325 10682158 10662561 10689293 10603727 10656229 10607809 10601713 10603308 10609391 10611612 10687411 10619282 10686741 %GWTSE 10601472 %AHTCGRE 10687710 10610473 10634773 10619279 10619275 10611640 10658268 10687612 10679110 10601467 10601657 10686762 10656502 10614689 %Virt 10607824 # Nova Luna (Nesquik122) 10601138 : 10619284 10682054 10682064 10605632 10686748 10601589 %SWR 10662858 10670567 10682032 10686775 %SpiIsl 10687695 %Sagra 10619285 %Alche %Crypt 10662184 10641561 10609393 10619325 10682158 10662561 10689293 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 # Alt Name: Pix R$ 200,00 (Nesquik122) 10601143 : 10619284 10682054 10682064 10605632 10686748 10601589 %SWR 10662858 10682032 10686775 %SpiIsl 10687695 %Sagra 10619285 %Alche %Crypt 10662184 10641561 10619325 10682158 10662561 10689293 10603727 10656229 10607809 10603308 10686741 # Alt Name: Pix R$ 300,00 (Nesquik122) 10601144 : 10619284 10682054 10682064 10605632 10686748 10601589 %SWR 10662858 10682032 10607809 # Alt Name: Barenpark + timeline: Brasil + Race for the galaxy (Nesquik122) 10601146 : 10619284 10682054 10682064 10605632 10686748 10601589 %SWR 10662858 10670567 10682032 10686775 %SpiIsl 10687695 %Sagra 10619285 %Alche %Crypt 10662184 10641561 10609393 10619325 10682158 10662561 10689293 10603727 10656229 10601713 10603308 10609391 10611612 10687411 10619282 %GWTSE 10601472 %AHTCGRE # Santorini (Nesquik122) 10601935 : 10619284 10682054 10682064 10605632 10686748 10601589 %SWR 10662858 10670567 10682032 10686775 %SpiIsl 10687695 %Sagra 10619285 %Alche %Crypt 10662184 10641561 10609393 10619325 10682158 10662561 10689293 10603727 10656229 10607809 10601713 10603308 10609391 10611612 10687411 10619282 10686741 %GWTSE 10601472 %AHTCGRE 10687710 10610473 10634773 10619279 10619275 10611640 10658268 10687612 10679110 10601467 10601657 10686762 10656502 10614689 %Virt 10607824 10619333 # Ascension: Deckbuilding Game (Nesquik122) 10601943 : 10619284 10682054 10682064 10670567 # Ankh: Gods of Egypt (Nesquik122) 10658327 : 10619284 10682054 10682064 10605632 10686748 10601589 10670567 10609393 #pragma user "nielison" # Confirmation code: 58/8w3uKszwUqWJEK6K6TA # Thu Apr 18 16:30:41 2024 # (nielison) %Crypt : 10658254 10687459 # (nielison) %GWTSE : 10603856 10643419 # (nielison) %SpiIsl : 10605624 10643595 # Luna (nielison) 10619274 : 10603852 10686762 10670567 10601589 %SpiIsl %GWTSE 10601606 %Crypt 10658194 10614689 10602756 # Mombasa (nielison) 10619275 : 10603852 10686762 10670567 10601589 %GWTSE # AquaSphere (nielison) 10619277 : 10603852 10686762 10670567 10601589 # The Voyages of Marco Polo (nielison) 10619279 : 10603852 10686762 10670567 10601589 %SpiIsl %GWTSE 10601606 # Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (nielison) 10619282 : 10603852 10686762 10670567 10601589 %SpiIsl # Nemesis (nielison) 10619284 : 10603852 # Western Legends (nielison) 10619285 : 10603852 10686762 10670567 10601589 # Grand Prix (nielison) 10619288 : 10603852 10686762 # Alt Name: COMBO JOGOS DE CONFLITO/GUERRA (nielison) 10619309 : 10603852 10686762 10670567 10601589 %SpiIsl %GWTSE 10601606 %Crypt 10658194 10614689 10602756 # Alt Name: COMBO EUROS LEVES/MÉDIOS (nielison) 10619325 : 10603852 10686762 10670567 10601589 %SpiIsl %GWTSE 10601606 # Alt Name: COMBO JOGOS PEQUENOS (nielison) 10619333 : 10603852 10686762 10670567 10601589 %SpiIsl %GWTSE 10601606 %Crypt 10658194 10614689 10602756 10607820 10601467 # Alt Name: COMBO 2 JOGADORES (nielison) 10689052 : 10603852 10686762 10670567 10601589 %SpiIsl %GWTSE 10601606 %Crypt 10658194 10614689 10602756 10607820 10601467 #pragma user "orelho" # Confirmation code: z1yVG90ZF3t/gy8-M3I0TQ # Mon Apr 22 12:20:32 2024 # (orelho) %ADG : 10601943 10669687 # (orelho) %SWoW : 10605628 10607823 # (orelho) %Sagra : 10669677 10687702 # Noria (orelho) 10610521 : 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10687706 10687612 %ADG %Sagra 10615809 10601143 10601705 10609389 10632316 10601701 # Overdrive (orelho) 10610526 : 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10687706 10687612 %ADG %Sagra 10615809 10601143 10601705 10609389 10632316 10601701 # Alt Name: Oh My Goods! + No Thanks! + The Resistance + Keyforge: Era da Ascensão (2 Decks de Arconte Lacrados) + Fanhunter: Assault + War Cards + Can-Can (Grow) (orelho) 10610538 : 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10687706 10687612 %ADG %Sagra 10615809 10601143 10601705 10609389 10632316 10601701 # Heróis de San Villano (orelho) 10610540 : 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10687706 10687612 %ADG %Sagra 10615809 10601143 10601705 10609389 10632316 10601701 # Otys (orelho) 10610545 : 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10687706 10687612 %ADG %Sagra 10615809 10601143 10601705 10609389 10632316 10601701 # Alt Name: Cangaço + Taco Gato Fifa + Bandido (orelho) 10610547 : 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10687706 10687612 %ADG %Sagra 10615809 10601143 10601705 10609389 10632316 10601701 # Alt Name: Innovation + Capital Lux + Black Stories (orelho) 10610554 : 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10687706 10687612 %ADG %Sagra 10615809 10601143 10601705 10609389 10632316 10601701 # Summoner Wars: Master Set (orelho) 10610562 : 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10687706 10687612 %ADG # Small World (orelho) 10658169 : %SWoW # Barony (orelho) 10658185 : 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10687706 10687612 %ADG %Sagra 10615809 10601143 10601705 10609389 10632316 10601701 # Kanban: Driver's Edition (orelho) 10658194 : 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10687706 10687612 %ADG %Sagra 10615809 10601143 10601705 10609389 # Arkham Horror: Final Hour (orelho) 10658244 : 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10687706 10687612 %ADG %Sagra 10615809 10601143 10601705 10609389 10632316 10601701 # Cryptid (orelho) 10658254 : 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10687706 10687612 %ADG %Sagra 10615809 10601143 10601705 10609389 10632316 # Bitoku (orelho) 10658268 : 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10687706 10687612 %ADG %Sagra 10615809 # Alt Name: Pix: R$900,00 (orelho) 10670567 : # GoodCritters (orelho) 10687361 : 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10601143 10601705 10609389 10632316 10601701 10610461 10666039 10634775 10607830 #pragma user "pfifikus" # Confirmation code: gfcTfSsn-eOJ7f73BpYpvw # Sun Apr 21 20:52:25 2024 # Reavers of Midgard (pfifikus) 10686273 : 10601606 10687695 10605632 10687710 10671556 10619282 10662858 10686741 10619279 10669677 10687702 10603727 10619285 10603266 10686787 10686766 10603856 10643419 10687706 10658327 10658268 10687612 10603852 10607809 10609393 10612591 10619309 10619325 10670567 10682054 10682090 10689052 10670031 10686762 10666039 10603286 10619288 10689293 # Viscounts of the West Kingdom (pfifikus) 10686275 : 10601606 10687695 10605632 10687710 10671556 10619282 10662858 10686741 10619279 10669677 10687702 10603727 10619285 10603266 10686787 10686766 10603856 10643419 10687706 10658327 10658268 10687612 10603852 10607809 10609393 10612591 10619309 10619325 10670567 10682054 10682090 10689052 10670031 10686762 10666039 10603286 10619288 10689293 10600343 10634777 10634773 10686782 10601144 10601713 10611612 # Mariposas (pfifikus) 10686279 : 10601606 10687695 10605632 10687710 10671556 10619282 10662858 10686741 10619279 10669677 10687702 10603727 10619285 10603266 10686787 10686766 10603856 10643419 10687706 10658327 10658268 10687612 10603852 10607809 10609393 10612591 10619309 10619325 10670567 10682054 10682090 10689052 10670031 10686762 10666039 10603286 10619288 10689293 10600343 10634777 10634773 10686782 10601144 10601713 10611612 10602808 10687411 # Mandala Stones (pfifikus) 10686280 : 10601606 10687695 10605632 10687710 10671556 10619282 10662858 10686741 10619279 10669677 10687702 10603727 10619285 10603266 10686787 10686766 10603856 10643419 10687706 10658327 10658268 10687612 10603852 10607809 10609393 10612591 10619309 10619325 10670567 10682054 10682090 10689052 10670031 10686762 10666039 10603286 10619288 10689293 10600343 10634777 10634773 10686782 10601144 10601713 10611612 10602808 10687411 10602756 10607811 10660033 10601603 10619390 10601501 10686769 10601472 10687698 10687732 10669931 10608520 10607820 10603319 10619333 10602828 10662561 10603294 10689311 10607823 10600357 10617969 # Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (pfifikus) 10686283 : 10601606 10687695 10605632 10687710 10671556 10619282 10662858 10686741 10619279 10669677 10687702 10603727 10619285 10603266 10686787 10686766 10603856 10643419 10687706 10658327 10658268 10687612 10603852 10607809 10609393 10612591 10619309 10619325 10670567 10682054 10682090 10689052 10670031 10686762 10666039 10603286 10619288 10689293 10600343 10634777 10634773 10686782 10601144 10601713 10611612 10602808 10687411 10602756 10607811 10660033 10601603 10619390 10601501 10686769 10601472 10687698 10687732 10669931 10608520 10607820 10603319 10619333 10602828 10662561 10603294 10689311 10607823 10600357 10617969 # Alt Name: super combo (pfifikus) 10686333 : 10601606 10687695 10605632 10687710 10671556 10619282 10662858 10686741 10619279 10669677 10687702 10603727 10619285 10603266 10686787 10686766 10603856 10643419 10687706 10658327 10658268 10687612 10603852 10607809 10609393 10612591 10619309 10619325 10670567 10682054 10682090 10689052 10670031 10686762 10666039 10603286 10619288 10689293 10600343 10634777 10602756 #pragma user "Psheep" # Confirmation code: -cnF+1+TyaF9jTcjq6obQg # Fri Apr 26 01:44:38 2024 # (Psheep) %Marip : 10669676 10686279 # (Psheep) %Sagra : 10669677 10687702 # Wavelength (Psheep) 10687732 : 10686741 %Sagra 10687706 10687612 10601144 10601713 10609391 10687411 # Alhambra (Psheep) 10687744 : 10686741 %Sagra 10601134 10687706 10687612 10608525 %Marip missing-official # Santorini (Psheep) 10687763 : 10686741 %Sagra 10601134 10687706 10687612 10601138 10657424 10608525 # Carcassonne (Psheep) 10687789 : 10686741 %Sagra 10601134 10687706 10687612 10601138 10657424 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 # Skull (Psheep) 10687805 : 10686741 %Sagra 10601134 10601138 10657424 10604291 #pragma user "railsonga04" # Confirmation code: BGebkdYvmXxFrtZ6o5ZVKA # Wed Apr 24 19:02:13 2024 # Oh My Brain (railsonga04) 10658601 : 10605632 10671556 10682151 10662858 10686741 10603852 10607809 10619325 10670567 10686762 10601606 10687612 10609393 10686775 10687695 10687710 10601506 10619279 10669677 10603727 10607811 10619275 10611620 10686766 10603856 10643419 10601472 10686782 10669674 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10612591 10682090 10687411 10662561 10689311 10607827 10600342 10663092 10669913 10669685 10687667 10601935 10687763 10601134 10689342 10663089 10600363 10602808 10687693 10669288 10603276 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10602828 10609214 10656502 10600354 10614689 10602756 # Fantasy Realms (railsonga04) 10658602 : 10605632 10671556 10682151 10662858 10686741 10603852 10607809 10619325 10670567 10686762 10601606 10687612 10609393 10686775 10687695 10687710 10601506 10619279 10669677 10603727 10607811 10619275 10611620 10686766 10603856 10643419 10601472 10686782 10669674 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10612591 10682090 10687411 10662561 10689311 10607827 10600342 10663092 10669913 10669685 10687667 10601935 10687763 10601134 10689342 10663089 10600363 10602808 10687693 10669288 10603276 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10602828 10609214 10656502 10600354 10614689 10602756 10600343 10671931 10687346 10630923 10687459 10672596 10658194 10686275 10601138 10601628 10601146 10601610 10601701 10689369 10642694 10607828 10603863 10686895 10603786 # Red7 (railsonga04) 10658605 : 10605632 10671556 10682151 10662858 10686741 10603852 10607809 10619325 10670567 10686762 10601606 10687612 10609393 10686775 10687695 10687710 10601506 10619279 10669677 10603727 10607811 10619275 10611620 10686766 10603856 10643419 10601472 10686782 10669674 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10612591 10682090 10687411 10662561 10689311 10607827 10600342 10663092 10669913 10669685 10687667 10601935 10687763 10601134 10689342 10663089 10600363 10602808 10687693 10669288 10603276 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10602828 10609214 10656502 10600354 10614689 10602756 10600343 10671931 10687346 10630923 10687459 10672596 10658194 10686275 10601138 10601628 10601146 10601610 10601701 10689369 10642694 10607828 10603863 10686895 10603786 # Wingspan: European Expansion (railsonga04) 10658609 : 10605632 10671556 10682151 10662858 10686741 10603852 10607809 10619325 10670567 10686762 10601606 10687612 10609393 10686775 10687695 10687710 10601506 10619279 10669677 10603727 10607811 10619275 10611620 10686766 10603856 10643419 10601472 10686782 10669674 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10612591 10682090 10687411 10662561 10689311 10607827 10600342 10663092 10669913 10669685 10687667 10601935 10687763 10601134 10689342 10663089 10600363 10602808 10687693 10669288 10603276 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10602828 10609214 10656502 10600354 10614689 10602756 10600343 # The Magnificent (railsonga04) 10658615 : 10605632 10671556 10682151 10662858 10686741 10603852 10607809 10619325 10670567 10686762 # Zapotec (railsonga04) 10658618 : 10605632 10671556 10682151 10662858 10686741 10603852 10607809 10619325 10670567 10686762 10601606 10687612 10609393 # Alt Name: insert agrícola para até 6 jogadores em mdf da bucaneiros (railsonga04) 10659938 : 10605632 10671556 10682151 10662858 10686741 10603852 10607809 10619325 10670567 10686762 10601606 10687612 10609393 10686775 10687695 10687710 10601506 10619279 10669677 10603727 10607811 10619275 10611620 10686766 10603856 10643419 10601472 10686782 10669674 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10612591 10682090 10687411 10662561 10689311 10607827 10600342 10663092 10669913 10669685 10687667 10601935 10687763 10601134 10689342 10663089 10600363 10602808 10687693 10669288 10603276 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10602828 10609214 10656502 10600354 10614689 10602756 10600343 10671931 10687346 10630923 10687459 10672596 10658194 10686275 10601138 10601628 10601146 10601610 10601701 10689369 10642694 10607828 10603863 10686895 10603786 # Newton (railsonga04) 10659941 : 10605632 10671556 10682151 10662858 10686741 10603852 10607809 10619325 10670567 10686762 10601606 10687612 10609393 10686775 10687695 10687710 10601506 10619279 10669677 10603727 10607811 10619275 10611620 10686766 10603856 10643419 10601472 10686782 10669674 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10612591 10682090 10687411 10662561 10689311 10607827 10600342 10600343 # Teotihuacan: City of Gods (railsonga04) 10660033 : 10605632 10671556 10682151 10662858 10686741 10603852 10607809 10619325 10670567 10686762 10601606 10687612 10609393 # Modern Art Card Game (railsonga04) 10665809 : 10605632 10671556 10682151 10662858 10686741 10603852 10607809 10619325 10670567 10686762 10601606 10687612 10609393 10686775 10687695 10687710 10601506 10619279 10669677 10603727 10607811 10619275 10611620 10686766 10603856 10643419 10601472 10686782 10669674 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10612591 10682090 10687411 10662561 10689311 10607827 10600342 10663092 10669913 10669685 10687667 10601935 10687763 10601134 10689342 10663089 10600363 10602808 10687693 10669288 10603276 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10602828 10609214 10656502 10600354 10614689 10602756 #pragma user "Renanzx" # Confirmation code: C-UkrRhi+fqTv5JPtYuuNg # Fri Apr 26 21:42:43 2024 # (Renanzx) %ADG : 10601943 10669687 # (Renanzx) %AHTCGRE : 10647570 10656742 # (Renanzx) %GWTSE : 10643419 10663092 10669913 10603856 # (Renanzx) %LSE : 10602808 10687693 # (Renanzx) %SWR : 10671556 10682151 # (Renanzx) %Sagra : 10669677 10687702 # (Renanzx) %Santo : 10601935 10687763 # (Renanzx) %SmaWor : 10643430 10658169 10605628 10607823 # (Renanzx) %SpiIsl : 10643595 10605624 # (Renanzx) %Virt : 10656508 10603863 # Dice Throne: Season One ReRolled – Monk v. Paladin (Renanzx) 10610983 : 10662858 10619325 10658268 10656229 10662561 10656502 10663091 10642694 10662170 10601143 %SpiIsl 10619284 10603847 10687712 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10670567 10687411 %AHTCGRE 10601606 10687695 %SWR 10619279 %Santo 10603266 %GWTSE 10687706 10687732 10687612 10609494 10601467 10687711 %Sagra 10601501 10601628 10607820 10601146 10603308 %ADG 10669936 10609214 %Virt 10600342 %SmaWor 10671931 10619274 10600363 %LSE 10603276 10601705 10609389 10610554 10612591 10682124 10687410 10689372 10686797 10666039 10686273 # Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (Renanzx) 10610992 : 10662858 10619325 10658268 10656229 10662561 10656502 10663091 10642694 %SpiIsl 10619284 10603847 10687712 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10670567 10687411 %AHTCGRE 10601606 10687695 %SWR 10619279 %Santo 10603266 %GWTSE 10687706 10687732 10687612 10609494 10601467 10687711 %Sagra 10601501 10601628 10607820 10601146 10603308 %ADG 10669936 10609214 %Virt 10600342 10604291 # Pandemic: Rapid Response (Renanzx) 10610995 : 10662858 10619325 10658268 10656229 10662561 10656502 10663091 10642694 10662170 10656651 10601143 %SpiIsl 10619284 10603847 10687712 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10670567 10687411 %AHTCGRE 10601606 10687695 %SWR 10619279 %Santo 10603266 %GWTSE 10687706 10687732 10687612 10609494 10601467 10687711 %Sagra 10601501 10601628 10607820 10601146 10603308 %ADG 10669936 10609214 %Virt 10600342 %SmaWor 10671931 10619274 10600363 %LSE 10603276 10601705 10609389 10610554 10612591 10682124 10687410 10689372 10686797 10666039 10686273 10604291 10601602 10607828 # Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig (Renanzx) 10615809 : # The Manhattan Project (Renanzx) 10615815 : 10662858 10619325 10658268 10656229 10662561 10656502 10663091 10642694 10662170 10601143 %SpiIsl 10619284 10603847 10687712 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10670567 10687411 %AHTCGRE 10601606 10687695 %SWR 10619279 %Santo 10603266 %GWTSE 10687706 10687732 10687612 10609494 10601467 10687711 %Sagra 10601501 10601628 10607820 10601146 10603308 %ADG 10669936 10609214 %Virt 10600342 %SmaWor 10671931 10619274 10600363 %LSE 10603276 10601705 10609389 10610554 10612591 10682124 10687410 10689372 10686797 10666039 10686273 # Alt Name: Front Total + Pocket Mars + Narabi (Renanzx) 10615825 : # Alt Name: Architectura + Port Royal: A Caminho! + Palm island (Renanzx) 10615827 : # Hunt for the Ring (Renanzx) 10617969 : 10662858 10619325 10658268 10656229 10662561 10656502 %SpiIsl 10619284 10603847 10687712 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10670567 10687411 %AHTCGRE 10601606 10687695 %SWR 10619279 %Santo 10603266 %GWTSE 10687706 10687612 10609494 10687711 # Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition (Renanzx) 10669288 : %SpiIsl 10619284 10603847 10687712 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10670567 10687411 %AHTCGRE 10687732 10601467 10619282 10603727 10682032 10603866 10601589 #pragma user "rodrigo torre" # Confirmation code: QK-UloB9o1OLSzpkJBpHvg # Mon Apr 22 12:48:07 2024 # Richard the Lionheart (rodrigo torre) 10688652 : 10669685 10610473 10669677 10687702 10601935 10687805 10656651 10610992 10687732 10656229 10603847 10603319 10619325 10682054 10682064 10682158 10601589 missing-official # Escape Room: The Game (rodrigo torre) 10688655 : 10669685 10610473 10669677 10687702 10601935 10687805 10656651 10610992 10687732 10656229 10603847 10603319 10619325 10682054 10682064 10682158 10601589 missing-official #pragma user "SamMelo" # Confirmation code: LyCyE4RTnsZUB6qGkZfOxw # Fri Apr 26 21:59:53 2024 # Spirit Island (SamMelo) 10605624 : 10669674 10603852 10609393 # Blacksmith Brothers (SamMelo) 10605626 : 10669674 10603852 10609393 10601506 10663091 10609391 10640937 10666944 10686895 10689342 10686896 10602808 10687693 10601138 10607820 10601467 10607828 10607825 10610521 10687708 10602818 10656746 10601134 10608525 10603276 10601610 10601705 10609389 10603286 10643598 # Small World of Warcraft (SamMelo) 10605628 : 10669674 10603852 10609393 10601506 10663091 10609391 10640937 10666944 10686895 # Terra Mystica (SamMelo) 10605632 : # Terraforming Mars: The Dice Game (SamMelo) 10609214 : 10669674 10603852 10609393 10601506 10663091 10609391 10640937 10666944 10686895 10689342 10686896 10602808 10687693 10601138 10607820 10601467 10607828 10607825 10610521 10687708 10602818 10656746 10601134 # Bamboo (SamMelo) 10642694 : 10669674 10603852 10609393 10601506 10663091 10609391 10640937 10666944 10686895 10689342 10686896 10602808 10687693 10601138 10607820 10601467 10607828 10607825 10610521 10687708 10602818 10656746 # The Gallerist (SamMelo) 10662858 : #pragma user "sslima" # Confirmation code: 7QkwCxr7xCi25nlfNRsR3w # Fri Apr 26 15:55:48 2024 # (sslima) %LaGra : 10601603 10619390 # Alt Name: Pacote de jogo de dados: + + (sslima) 10603191 : %LaGra 10687732 10687608 # Alt Name: Jogo Grok - Jogue - Descubra (sslima) 10603228 : # The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth (sslima) 10603266 : # Era: Medieval Age (sslima) 10603276 : # When I Dream (sslima) 10603286 : # Stella: Dixit Universe (sslima) 10603294 : %LaGra 10687732 # Alt Name: + + + + + (sslima) 10603308 : # Alt Name: Pacote de jogos + + (sslima) 10603319 : %LaGra 10687732 # Alt Name: Pacote de jogo de cartas +++ (sslima) 10603341 : %LaGra 10687732 # Alt Name: Pacote de jogos + (sslima) 10612591 : #pragma user "tho_andrade" # Confirmation code: cNRWzwGfxaK47TeUoZdyFQ # Wed Apr 24 22:57:31 2024 # Tinners' Trail: Expanded Edition (tho_andrade) 10602756 : 10662858 10619284 10619285 10603266 10686787 10658268 10609393 10670567 10601589 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10686895 # London (Second Edition) (tho_andrade) 10602808 : 10662858 10619284 10619285 10603266 10686787 10658268 10609393 10670567 10601589 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10686895 10601467 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 # Reload (tho_andrade) 10602818 : 10662858 10619284 10619285 10603266 10686787 10658268 10609393 10670567 10601589 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 # Century: A New World (tho_andrade) 10602828 : 10662858 10619284 10619285 10603266 10686787 10658268 10609393 10670567 10601589 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10686895 10601467 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 # Carnegie: Departments and Donations Expansion (tho_andrade) 10603315 : 10662858 10619284 10619285 10603266 10686787 10658268 10609393 10670567 10601589 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10686895 10601467 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10671931 # Alt Name: DOGS + EXPANSÃO O SÓCIO (tho_andrade) 10603335 : 10662858 10619284 10619285 10603266 10686787 10658268 10609393 10670567 10601589 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10686895 10601467 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10671931 # desConfronto (tho_andrade) 10603345 : 10662858 10619284 10619285 10603266 10686787 10658268 10609393 10670567 10601589 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10686895 10601467 # Alt Name: TORRE DE DADOS EM ACRÍLICO + BANDEJA DE DADOS (tho_andrade) 10604139 : 10662858 10619284 10619285 10603266 10686787 10658268 10609393 10670567 10601589 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10686895 10601467 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 # Eleven: Football Manager Board Game (tho_andrade) 10640937 : 10662858 10619284 10619285 10603266 10686787 10658268 10609393 10670567 10601589 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10686895 10601467 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 # desConfronto (tho_andrade) 10650192 : 10662858 10619284 10619285 10603266 10686787 10658268 10609393 10670567 10601589 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10686895 10601467 # Lords of Hellas (tho_andrade) 10656229 : # Brazil: Imperial (tho_andrade) 10662561 : 10662858 10619284 10619285 10603266 10686787 10658268 10609393 10670567 10601589 # Ankh: Gods of Egypt – Guardians Set (tho_andrade) 10662654 : 10662858 10619284 10619285 10603266 10686787 10658268 10609393 10670567 10601589 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10686895 10601467 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10671931 #pragma user "tkpaulo" # Confirmation code: edYgHg4BqpZgkzEHedL7DA # Fri Apr 26 14:40:26 2024 # Fresco (tkpaulo) 10601501 : 10662858 10687612 10658615 10609391 # Keyflower (tkpaulo) 10601506 : 10662858 10687612 10658615 # CIV: Carta Impera Victoria (tkpaulo) 10601507 : 10662858 10687612 10658615 10609391 # La Muse (tkpaulo) 10601509 : 10662858 10687612 10658615 10609391 # The Pursuit of Happiness: Community (tkpaulo) 10601511 : 10662858 10687612 10658615 10609391 # Peloponnes Card Game (tkpaulo) 10601512 : # A Feast for Odin (tkpaulo) 10601606 : # Meeple Circus (tkpaulo) 10601628 : #pragma user "tonyjosh00" # Confirmation code: 9SDX45V2lEkgo766IT45PQ # Wed Apr 24 00:20:05 2024 # (tonyjosh00) %ADG : # (tonyjosh00) %CoCME : 10607809 # (tonyjosh00) %GWT : # (tonyjosh00) %ImpCla : 10686896 10687630 # (tonyjosh00) %LaGra : 10601603 10619390 # (tonyjosh00) %Reload : 10602818 10656746 # (tonyjosh00) %SWMS : # (tonyjosh00) %Sagra : # (tonyjosh00) %SotM : # (tonyjosh00) %SpiIsl : 10605624 10643595 # (tonyjosh00) %TerMys : 10605632 10687710 # (tonyjosh00) %ZUoA : 10601589 # (tonyjosh00) %desCo : 10603345 10650192 # Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization (tonyjosh00) 10634773 : 10605632 10687710 10607809 10601606 10686741 %CoCME 10670567 10682064 # Otys (tonyjosh00) 10634775 : 10605632 10687710 10607809 10601606 10686741 %CoCME 10670567 10682064 10605624 10643595 10601603 10619390 10686896 10687630 10601589 10602818 10656746 10603345 10650192 10686775 %TerMys %GWT 10663092 10669913 10601506 %Sagra 10669677 10687702 10687667 10607811 10619275 10660033 10611620 10686766 10643419 10687744 10686275 10687706 10663089 10658327 %ImpCla 10669674 10658268 10687612 10656229 10603276 10619277 10601144 10601713 10609391 10609393 10611612 10682054 10682090 10687411 10670031 10642694 10656502 10607805 10689327 %ZUoA 10687708 10686895 %Reload #pragma user "vmatheusns" # Confirmation code: FFG3nvR5wlKZW-Vfte6N+A # Fri Apr 19 10:35:45 2024 # (vmatheusns) %Crypt : 10658254 10687459 # (vmatheusns) %SWoW : 10605628 10607823 # (vmatheusns) %SpiIsl : # (vmatheusns) %Virt : 10603863 10656508 # Architects of the West Kingdom (vmatheusns) 10687667 : 10671556 10686741 10603266 10601589 10609393 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10647585 # Barony (vmatheusns) 10687676 : 10671556 10686741 10603266 10601589 10609393 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10647585 %SWoW 10656502 %Crypt 10603276 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 %Virt 10604291 # Valeria: Card Kingdoms (vmatheusns) 10687684 : 10671556 10686741 10603266 10601589 10609393 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10647585 %SWoW 10656502 %Crypt 10603276 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 %Virt 10604291 10601602 10672596 10689369 # SpellBook (vmatheusns) 10687686 : 10671556 10686741 10603266 10601589 10609393 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10647585 %SWoW 10656502 %Crypt 10603276 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 %Virt 10604291 10601602 10672596 10689369 # Gataria (vmatheusns) 10687688 : 10671556 10686741 10603266 10601589 10609393 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10647585 %SWoW 10656502 %Crypt 10603276 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 %Virt # London (Second Edition) (vmatheusns) 10687693 : 10671556 10686741 10603266 10601589 10609393 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10647585 %SWoW 10656502 %Crypt 10603276 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 %Virt # Root (vmatheusns) 10687695 : 10671556 10686741 10603266 10601589 10609393 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 # Colt Express (vmatheusns) 10687698 : 10671556 10686741 10603266 10601589 10609393 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10647585 %SWoW 10656502 %Crypt 10603276 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 %Virt 10604291 # Sagrada (vmatheusns) 10687702 : 10671556 10686741 10603266 10601589 10609393 # World Wonders (vmatheusns) 10687706 : 10671556 10686741 10603266 10601589 10609393 # Tindaya (vmatheusns) 10687708 : 10671556 10686741 10603266 10601589 10609393 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 # Terra Mystica (vmatheusns) 10687710 : 10671556 10686741 10603266 10601589 # Santa Kaos (vmatheusns) 10687711 : 10671556 10686741 10603266 10601589 10609393 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10647585 %SWoW 10656502 # The Siege of Runedar (vmatheusns) 10687712 : 10671556 10686741 10603266 10601589 10609393 10601713 10609391 10611612 10687411 10647585 %SWoW #pragma user "Will14N" # Confirmation code: BSWPHBHo8JELj-txM+Wumg # Fri Apr 26 19:27:21 2024 # Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (Will14N) 10641561 : 10619284 10601606 10605632 10687710 10686741 10603266 10687612 10607809 10603866 10607805 missing-official #pragma user "XequeMat" # Confirmation code: zug4wWCplyvPlvhwoawi6w # Thu Apr 25 21:18:12 2024 # (XequeMat) %ADG : 10669687 10601943 # (XequeMat) %Fresco : 10601501 10686769 # (XequeMat) %LSE : 10602808 10687693 # (XequeMat) %LaGra : 10601603 10619390 # (XequeMat) %desCo : 10603345 10650192 # Great Western Trail: Second Edition (XequeMat) 10643419 : 10619285 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 # Small World (XequeMat) 10643430 : 10619285 10634773 10687695 10603847 10687411 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 10658268 10643595 10682158 10669677 10687702 10682064 # Terra Nova (XequeMat) 10656502 : 10619285 10634773 10609393 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 10658268 10643595 # Oceanos (XequeMat) 10656505 : 10619285 10686895 10610467 10610473 10634773 10687695 10603847 10669931 10601601 10603286 10607818 10605632 10605624 10619325 10607811 10687411 10601501 10601603 10669687 10689369 10603345 10650192 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10687667 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 10658268 10643595 10682158 10669677 10687702 10682064 # Virtù (XequeMat) 10656508 : 10619285 10686895 10634773 10687695 10603847 10605632 10687411 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 10658268 10643595 10682158 10682064 # Alt Name: 3 jogos e 1expansão (XequeMat) 10656523 : 10619285 10686895 10634773 10687695 10603847 10669931 10605632 10619325 10687411 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 10658268 10643595 10682158 10682064 # Karuba (XequeMat) 10656651 : 10619285 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 # Arkham Horror: The Card Game (Revised Edition) (XequeMat) 10656742 : 10619285 10609393 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 10658268 # Reload (XequeMat) 10656746 : 10619285 10686895 10610467 10610473 10634773 10687695 10603847 10669931 10601601 10603286 10607818 10605632 10605624 10619325 10607811 10687411 10601501 10601603 10669687 10689369 10602808 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 10658268 10643595 10682158 10669677 10687702 10682064 # Sanssouci (XequeMat) 10657424 : 10619285 10686895 10610467 10634773 10687695 10603847 10603286 10607818 10605632 10605624 10619325 10607811 10687411 10601501 10601603 10686769 10601472 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10687667 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 10658268 10643595 10682158 10669677 10687702 10682064 # Strained Kingdoms: Strifull – The Card Game (XequeMat) 10661457 : 10619285 10686895 10610467 10610473 10634773 10687695 10603847 10669931 10601601 10603286 10610983 10601507 10607818 10605632 10605624 10619325 10607811 10687411 10601501 10601603 10669687 10689369 10686769 10602808 10603345 10650192 10601472 10619390 10687693 10679110 10682124 10687342 10601943 10604291 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10687667 10607813 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 10658268 10643595 10682158 10669677 10687702 10682064 # 221B Baker St.: Sherlock Holmes & the Time Machine (XequeMat) 10666017 : 10619285 10686895 10610467 10610473 10634773 10687695 10603847 10669931 10601601 10603286 10610983 10601507 10671504 10607818 10605632 10605624 10619325 10607811 10687411 10601501 10601603 10669687 10689369 10686769 10602808 10603345 10650192 10601472 10619390 10687693 10679110 10682124 10687342 10601943 10604291 10601701 10687408 10689368 10686275 10603294 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10687667 10607813 10601134 10603276 10610547 10602828 10647585 10602756 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 10658268 10643595 10682158 10669677 10687702 10682064 # Marrakech (XequeMat) 10666039 : 10619285 10634773 10687695 10687411 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 10658268 # Smash Up: Awesome Level 9000 (XequeMat) 10666048 : 10619285 10686895 10634773 10687695 10603847 10603286 10605632 10687411 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 10658268 10643595 10682158 10669677 10687702 10682064 # Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy (XequeMat) 10666944 : 10619285 10686895 10634773 10687695 10603847 10605632 10687411 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 10658268 10643595 10682158 10682064 # Cryptid (XequeMat) 10687459 : # Pandemic: Hot Zone – North America (XequeMat) 10687470 : 10619285 10686895 10610467 10610473 10634773 10687695 10603847 10669931 10601601 10603286 10610983 10601507 10607818 10605632 10605624 10619325 10607811 10687411 10601501 10601603 10669687 10689369 10686769 10602808 10603345 10650192 10601472 10619390 10687693 10679110 10682124 10687342 10601701 10687408 10689368 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10687667 10607813 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 10658268 10643595 10682158 10669677 10687702 10682064 # Bärenpark (XequeMat) 10687475 : 10619285 10686895 10634773 10687695 10603847 10669931 10605632 10605624 10687411 10601501 10609393 10601144 10601713 10609391 10611612 10601143 10601705 10609389 10687410 10689372 10601606 10619284 10603266 10601589 10658268 10643595 10682158 10682064 #pragma user "Xniper" # Confirmation code: qE3hd1HFYY/uQLGP5C391w # Thu Apr 18 16:36:23 2024 # Spirit Island (Xniper) 10643595 : # Silk (Xniper) 10643598 : 10601134 #pragma user "xxt7xx" # Confirmation code: Pir0chkK8PDYWCZlargdfQ # Thu Apr 25 21:00:41 2024 # Alt Name: Combo Dungeon Crawler (xxt7xx) 10682032 : 10605632 10603852 10619284 # Alt Name: Combo Mitológico (xxt7xx) 10682054 : # Alt Name: Combo Intriga (xxt7xx) 10682064 : 10605632 10603852 # Alt Name: Combo Ancestral (xxt7xx) 10682090 : 10605632 10603852 10619284 10662858 # Alt Name: Combo Investigação (xxt7xx) 10682124 : 10605632 10603852 10619284 10662858 10603266 10687612 10607809 10624681 10686748 10619277 10609393 10603308 # Star Wars: Rebellion (xxt7xx) 10682151 : 10605632 10603852 10619284 10662858 10603266 10687612 10607809 # Alt Name: Combo Apostador (xxt7xx) 10682158 : 10605632 10603852 10619284 10662858 10603266 10687612 10607809 10624681 10686748 10619277 10609393 #pragma user "Yxast" # Confirmation code: 0bkhK2r2dg1C9VJIlJUACQ # Fri Apr 19 19:21:03 2024 # (Yxast) %Marip : 10669676 10686279 # (Yxast) %Otys : 10610545 10634775 # (Yxast) %SWoW : 10605628 10607823 # (Yxast) %Santo : 10601935 10687763 # Blockers! The Card Game (Yxast) 10633355 : 10603727 %Santo %Otys 10601602 10656651 10632365 10609576 10671484 # Love Letter (Yxast) 10633419 : 10603727 %Santo %Otys 10601602 10656651 10632365 10609576 10671484 # Gardens (Yxast) 10633475 : 10603727 %Santo %Otys 10671931 10670031 %Marip %SWoW 10610467 10686280 10607826 # End of wants. If you don't see this line then this file may have # been truncated. IMPORTANT: this comment block is also required to be # in the wants file when you upload the WANTS into the OLWLG.